The Preparation and The Return

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Perseus POV
Me: Move, Move, Move!! We need to get these supplies in the ships and launch soon. We are heading to Camp Half Blood in two hours and we don't need to forget anything important. When we get out, activate the cloaking shield so that the mortals, Monsters, and Decepticons can't be able to see or detect us.

In the underground base, you can see all of the Autobots moving around, getting the supplies they need or helping their children in human form. Everyone is heading to their designated ships and helping one another. We are sending all of our troops there and are moving the Ark 2 as well. Like the Gods, we move around underground going from one country to another. Right now, we are in Colorado and are heading to New York now. We are able to minimize the base enough so we can be able to fit it in the flagship.

I have heard the news from my father, that we must help the gods in order to make sure that they are still the rulers of the Earth, or else if the Decepticons or titans or the Giants win, then the earth will be doomed along with Cybertron

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I have heard the news from my father, that we must help the gods in order to make sure that they are still the rulers of the Earth, or else if the Decepticons or titans or the Giants win, then the earth will be doomed along with Cybertron. When everyone heard the news of us helping the gods, they were in outrage. They wanted to let them rot for what they did to me, even Annie was and she usually wants to help out anyone who needs it. But, I knew we had to help or all is lost,  so we must hurry.

BurnShot: Are all the medical and weapons supplies on this ship?
Soldier: Yes sir, we have everything loaded in it.
BurnShot: Good, get this ship started. We need to be ready to go and not delay on time.
Soldier: Yes Sir!

The soldiers then goes to his ship to tell his comrades the orders, all ready some of the ships are online and are waiting to go. ScatterBoom and his team are carrying crates of weapons and other supplies to the flagship. HealRift and her medical team are transporting anyone who is pregnant or injured on the medical ship. Thanks to Cliffdown, we know that the Gods and demigods know about us and helps us a whole lot so we know need to explain everything, just a few certain parts. WheelBurn and his science teams move their equipment and testing material on their scientific ship. We all specific ships that we need and have weapons on all of them, just in case.

Time Skip: 50 Minutes

It's only ten minutes let till we launch now. Everyone is powering up their ships and are waiting my command to leave, there are still a few people moving the last of their supplies and heading to their ships. Everything is going well, until I see Cliffdown returning from his recon mission. He looks worried...

Cliffdown: Perseus, we need to launch now!!!
Me: What's wrong Cliffdown?
Cliffdown: The Decepticons are firing their weapons at us from afar, I was able to sabotage it so it can only fire it once, any other times and it will destroy who is ever operating it. But, they are charging it and we only have five minutes left.
Me: ScatterBoom, does everyone have an all clear on their crew members and ships?
ScatterBoom: Yes Prime.
Me: Then start the launch sequence.

Decepticons headquarters
SideSteam: Hurry up you fools, the Autobots don't know what is going to happen to them soon.
Starbreak: (Mumbling) Why not just send in our forces, if I was leader then I would have already crushed them.
SideStream: Silence, StarBreak. You are unfit to rule, you are like Starscream. Complaining, whiny and being a coward. If it weren't for your uselessness, I would have ended you already.
SoundGun: Lord SideStream, Autobots are detected activating their ships. Recommendation, fire now
SideStream: What!?! Get me a visual on their base now.
Soldier: Yes lord SideStream.

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