Chapter Three

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I'm leaning over, practically laying down on the motorcycle tank, using my body weight to try and keep my bike from doing a wheelie when I launch. It would be better if I was heavier than 140 pounds, but so far I haven't had any problems.

My whole body is pulsing, waiting for the signal to go. The person to my right was my competition for tonight, and they were doing the same as I was. He's someone I hadn't raced before, a newbie to the scene who wanted his chance to beat me.

I almost felt bad, knowing tonight's win would be too easy. However, the fact that I needed the money to provide the best life possible for Miles prevented me from thinking twice about the poor soul next to me.

Except, just barely overpowering the roar of our engines, I hear something in the distance. Instantly I sit up straight and look around, at the same time I notice that everyone else is looking around. I'm not the only one hearing it.


Sure enough, the sirens continued to get closer. People start running to get in cars or hop on bikes. There weren't many rules to illegal street racing, hence the illegal part. But one rule was that no one gets caught by the cops. It didn't matter if you didn't know someone, you hopped in their car and they were okay with it.

I'm sure from above we all look like cockroaches scurrying away, trying not to get stepped on. I quickly turned my bike around and start to make my way through the fray. My heart pounding in my chest was all that I could hear for a moment.

I was almost out, most people had fled the scene already, when I saw a preppy boy who did not look like he belonged here. He was dressed in khaki pants, a blue dress shirt and boat shoes, these clothes don't even remotely fit into the street racing scene. But here he was, looking around panicked, like he was unsure of where to go.

Passing him, I tried to contain my laugh at the look on his face. The red and blue lights from the cop cars were starting to illuminate the space we were in.

Double crap.

With a sigh and an eye roll, I quickly double back to him. Shock was written all over his face, but we didn't have time for hesitation. I quickly patted the back of the seat while pushing down the passenger foot pegs.

I can't contain a grunt as the bike is swayed with his weight. Passengers aren't supposed to be heavier than the rider, it makes for an unbalanced bike. But the cops are about to pull in on our street, meaning that I don't have time to worry.

With a twist of my wrist and we fly forward. Arms wrap around my waist and I don't have time to hope that he won't notice that I have more curves than a male. With a screech, a cop car slides to a stop in front of us, blocking our path. I almost want to throw up in my mouth from nerves, but I push the thought away.

I instantly lean to the right, the stranger's weight almost toppling over the bike, but I catch it just in time. Sending us down an alley barely big enough for the bike. My nervous breath was fogging up the visor on my helmet. After taking a right out of the alley, I flip up the visor on my helmet.

Cool night air hits my face and I take a deep breath, trying to calm my heart. I can still hear the sirens behind us, but the lights are out of sight. Too nervous to slow down, I keep directing my bike through as many turns as possible. Making sure to send us away from the scene of the crime.

The stranger's arms are crushing my torso, but I can barely feel it. The races were always set up so well that this was my first run in with the cops. The fear is pulsing through my veins is the only thing that I can feel right now.

Finally, my storage garage comes into view. I need to get my bike off the street and don't have time to ditch the stranger. Plus, I'm sure he's noticed some things from gripping on to me.
I quickly punch in my key at the gate and fly through without waiting for it to close behind me. The button on my handle bar is pressed to open my unit's door before I ca. even see it. I hit it again before even starting to drive in.

The door shuts behind us, but the stranger doesn't move. After about thirty seconds, I realize I'm going to have to speak. This night was going fantastically. Note my sarcasm. "I'm going to need you to let go so I can breathe."

"Oh, yeah, right, I'm sorry." Quickly the crushing pressure was gone, and then I feel the weight disappear from back of my bike. "Thank you for saving my ass back there. I don't usually go to those kinds of things, but my friends talked me into going. Saying I needed to see how awesome... well... you were. But then they ditched me and-" The stranger was rambling, and I couldn't deal with it.

I was too nervous from the get away and thinking about what would have happened to Miles if I had gotten caught. "I didn't ask for your life story." I set the bike on its kick stand and covered it up with the bike cover.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to, I just ramble when I'm nervous." He sighed and looked at the ground nervously. "They said that you were a guy though..."

Taking off my helmet I say, "Yeah, and they better keep thinking it. You're the only one that knows, so I know who to kill if people start finding out." I shoot my dirtiest glare at him only to notice how piercing his bright green eyes are. I shake my head, pushing the thought away.

"Um, yeah. No. I promise. I'll keep this to myself." He managed to spit out. "My name is Cade McKinney just so you know. That way you know that I won't tell anyone." I don't know how someone can talk so much.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever. Get in." I slide into the driver's seat of my Volkswagen.

A/N: Welcome to Chapter Three where we start to get into the interesting stuff! Above is who I'm picturing as Cam (Zoey Deutch). Don't forget to tell me what you think, and give it a vote if you're enjoying the story! Thanks for reading

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