Chapter Two

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The secrecy of trying to make life easier for Miles and me is the reason why I rent a vehicle storage unit about ten minutes from work even though our apartment has a perfectly good garage. With traffic, it can take a little longer to get to the storage garage, but that is fine. I have a few hours to kill before I need to be at "work" anyways.

I decide that tonight I will walk a few blocks to a local burger joint for dinner. I tune out everything around me, mentally preparing for tonight, and before I know it I'm pulling open the door to the restaurant. Being just after five o'clock, there's quite the line of people just off from work. I step in line behind the last person and pull out my phone.

Miles had messaged me that he was back at Nicole's apartment two hours ago, and that his homework was finished half an hour ago. I respond back, 'That's great speedy! I'm getting dinner before heading to work.'

Immediately he responds, 'We're having pizza! Good luck and be safe, love u!'.

I try to contain my smile at how sweet this boy is, even after everything he's been through, 'Always am, have a good night. Love you too'.

"How may I take your order?" I'm startled to realize I've made it to the front of the line.

"Oh, a bacon cheeseburger and a side of fries for here." I recite my usual order, already handing over the money. With my receipt in hand, I take a seat at a table by the large picture window so that I can watch people walking by.

It amazes me watching people, everyone is heading somewhere, completely unaware of where those around them are heading to or from. And then sometimes you get to see some interesting characters. Like the drunk man starting off his weekend early by stumbling down the sidewalk at five o'clock on a Friday.

The waiter bringing over my food breaks my thought process, but I welcome it. I'm so hungry I could have probably eaten five burgers, but I try not to eat too much when I have to go to work after. It wasn't exactly comfortable to work on a full stomach.

Noticing that the sun was about to start dipping behind the city buildings I finish off my meal and head back to work to get my car.

I pull up to the keypad that controls the fence, and keeps out unwanted people from the storage units. After punching in my pass code I let out a sigh as I watch the chain link fence pull back painfully slow until there's enough room for my car to slip in.

Driving to the left corner storage unit, I hit a button in my car that unlocks and opens my own storage unit and drive in. My excitement finally starts to hit me and I all but jump out of my car.
My storage unit is big enough for two large SUVs but, other than work nights when I park my car in here, the only thing that I keep in here is my beautiful, all black, Ducati Panigale.

Once I'm dressed in my race gear, which includes a riding jacket, pants, gloves, and a helmet, I pull the cover off of my pride and joy, throwing it on the ground.

My phone beeps in with a text, perfect timing. It's the location for tonight's race. They always send it out to the participants at the same time on race nights. It helps keep the cops from having time to find out where we're doing the race and shut it down.

Smiling from ear to ear, it's finally time to go. I throw my leg over and stick my key in the ignition. Goosebumps appear on my skin from hearing the engine roar to life. Once I'm outside of the storage unit, I take a deep breath of the night air.

Even though it's the same air that had been out here earlier, it smells different on a motorcycle.

I'm weaving through traffic when some jerk in a Prius cuts me off without even using their blinker. I jam my finger against the horn and twist the throttle until I'm next to the driver door. Without making eye contact, I flip the driver off and speed off to the meet spot.

Even though it had only been about twenty minutes since the text with the race location was sent out, when I arrive there is already a huge crowd. Everyone turns their head when they hear me approach, and the conversations suddenly cease.

Even though it's night time, I have on a tinted visor so that no one can see me. I also wear slightly baggy gear to help keep me anonymous, because of this, everyone assumes that I'm a guy because obviously girls don't ride motorcycles. Or, at least, not as well as I do. The thought makes my eyes roll uncontrollably.

I roll around the crowd to where the racers hang out until it's their turn to race and turn off my engine. Even though I put down my kickstand, I don't get off my bike. I simply stare and take in my surroundings.

By now my reputation has proceeded me, and everyone knew better than to try and approach me. I don't talk to anyone to help keep my secret. Naturally, my voice would give away that I'm a female. And there were plenty of people who wanted to track down the undefeated Blackjack.

A/N: Welcome to Chapter Two! The plan is to update on Tuesdays and Thursdays right now, but I'm also debating adding in a third update on Sunday. It's also going to get more exciting from here, so yeah! Thanks for reading!

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