1. Not Just a Fashion Statement

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Pink, orange, green, blue, blue, purple, red, pink, blue, yellow, orange, orange, orange, yellow, white, clear, black...

Ashton Irwin recited that pattern to himself in his head as he stared at a pale wrist that caught his eyes, the colors practically screaming over to him as he sat in the hallway, studying for an exam he had next lesson. The order of the colors were always the same, unless a new one was added onto the particular wrist. There hadn't been a new bracelet for a few weeks now so that meant that the random boy in the year above his hadn't done anything, but that was only on one wrist.

Yellow, yellow, glittered green, orange, pink, pink, white, white, clear, pink, black, black, blue...

Those were the things that were done to him. Well, as rumors explained it: one's dominant hand meant that the "wearer" had control over which colored bracelet they would be working for. The other hand was the submissive, meaning the person of interest would have a bracelet slipped onto their wrist and they would have to comply to it's meaning. Ashton guessed that the boy was left handed because that's the hand he had once saw him write with when they shared a table in the library. His left wrist was the one that held the most bracelets. 

These bracelets weren't exactly used as a fashion statement. They were actually a sexual statement for what teenagers have done or have had done to them in a sexual manner. Some were simple like hugging and kissing. Some were further than that - way further. 

The boy sitting in the hallways, with his face in his lesson book, had zero bracelets. He wanted that to change. He wanted someone to notice that his wrists were bare and somehow get him acquainted into this colorful world.

Of course, he had never spoken to one and he didn't know if people even knew that he existed. The ones who wore many bracelets clearly had much more sexual experience than he did. They would know that just by his wrists. Ashton wondered who gave out the very  bracelet and on which wrist it was. The how did it carry out thought multiple schools and towns? Ashton wanted his first bracelet to be on his dominant one so people knew that he wasn't just some greedy pawn who was giving himself around for the cheap and popular jewelry items. But the problem was that  Ashton seemed to be more of the shy type. Nobody would take him seriously if they saw he was wearing bracelets on his dominant and then act skittish around people. He wasn't a closet dominant with any secret motives. He was just a sixtenn year old boy who wanted to fit in somewhere. It would be easy to make Ashton an early submissive. He was the shy boy and, due to his desire to fit in, he'd probably do whatever he was asked to please the bracelet circle.. 

He didn't know what each color exactly meant so he hoped he wasn't going to be gullible and have to do something or have something down to him that he wasn't quite ready for or didn't want to do at all. Hopefully, someone would notice that he was inexperienced and go easy on him, if he was some passed around submissive.

That, or, Aston could easily research it on the Internet. It could be a refreshing break from his coursework. He had no idea if was even allowed to choose which bracelet he wanted. He didn't know how the system even worked but there was a way to get those bracelets slipped onto his wrist. 

People would think that Ashton was being a fool for wanting to join the bracelet collecting game. Others who were also bare on there wrists probably didn't care for it, didn't want to get involved for their own personal reasons, or they were just like Ashton. There were the ones who thought the entire underground world of colored bracelets was absolutely foolish and degrading of one's self worth so Ashton knew that once he had a few people would notice and they would try to persuade him that what he was doing was wrong. 

He didn't have a master plan. All he had was the fact that he wanted in, as well as plot's that he knew were failures anyway. He didn't know how to get involved. He wished that there was someone who he could speak to about it and get more information but the talk about the bracelets during school was kept to a muttered hush. 

Ashton's fingers ran down the pages of his book. He looked down and picked up his wrist, his thumb stroking at his bare skin. He had once thought about going to a shop to find a packet of the bracelets so he could just put them on to act like he had done all the things the bracelets represented. That could easily be what many did but for Ashton it would be too easy to figure out that he was a big fraud. 

People would have figured it out that he was so inexperienced once the real opportunity to get another, or in that case, his first real one. As a lot of newcomers are to any new situation, he would have been nervous and that could give him away in a second. There was no option for making himself feel like a more massive laugh. 

He looked up from his wrist again once the bell rang. He couldn't help but to search for the group that had crowded in front of him. 

Ashton Irwin was innocent and he sure looked the part. He also could play the part because his innocence wasn't an act.

He's never had his first kiss. Sixteen still seemed pretty young but people seemed to be loosing more than just their "first kiss virginity" these days. At least, when it happened for him, he wouldn't actually feel like he was a loser. No, he was gaining something and he wouldn't be offended if anyone ever told him that he had changed and became an entirely new person along the way.

That's all he ever wanted. 

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