11. Pleasing the Leader

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He felt as Michael gave him another slap in between his shoulders, making Luke groan in annoyance that Michael decided to join him in his bed instead of taking the terrible bed Luke made on the floor for him like he usually did when Michael was so out of his head that he didn't want to bring him home. 

Luke opened his eyes slowly and let out a sigh before he rolled over to face the other way, seeing Michael awake. He rolled his eyes at his best friend before sinking his head deeper into his pillow.  

"Aren't you supposed to be in agony because of hangover?" Luke asked him, closing his eyes again because he was still pretty tired after him and Michael decided to spend time after school drinking a few hours ago. He really wanted to recover for school, which he already knew he was going to be a wreck for. 

"My head hurts like hell but I'd rather hear about this Ashton kid you've brought in." Michael told him, his voice sounding wrecked from all the shouting Michael did last night. Luke had no clue why he thought he needed to talk louder when he drank. "Seriously, Luke,  he seems like quite the people pleaser and I like that. I like that a lot." 

Of course Michael did. He probably thought about how Ashton was the perfect addition to the circle and he couldn't wait to trade a bracelet with the new boy. 

"So, what's he like? Tell me everything and don't skip any of the details." Michael grinned excitedly.

Luke closed his eyes, not really in the mood to give Michael a recap. "I saw you with him at lunch today. You haven't figured out anything for yourself?" That wasn't like Michael. He wanted to know every single person in the game if he really could. 

Michael shook his head. "I didn't chat with him much and he wasn't all that talkative. Now, tell me about what you two did." He pressed on. 

"Remind me to never drink on a school night with you ever again." Luke grumbled. He hoped that he at least had enough common sense to clean up after whatever he and Michael did because his mum would be furious with him if she figured out they were drinking. 

"That's still not telling me anything." Michael reminded him with a coy smile. 

Luke let out a breath. The night of the party he did bring Ashton upstairs where it was more private from the rest of the party. Sure, Michael just happened to meet them just before going into the room but Luke had no idea if Ashton was even comfortable with him telling Michael anything. Unfortunately, he had to report back to Michael on any of the new members. 

With Matt, he didn't mind telling Michael about him anymore. Matt wasn't somebody who Michael was interested in ever since his reveal that he only wanted to do things with girls. They weren't going to push Matt into doing anything that he didn't want when it came to he was sexually attracted to. 

"I did what the bracelet told me to do. That's how the game's played after all." Luke pretended to sound cheerful instead of not in the mood for chatting like he really was feeling. 

"Wow." Michael drawled out. "That paints such a pretty picture, Luke." Michael sat up and gave Luke's shoulder a shove as he did. "Tell me about Ashton and then I'll reward you for it." He smiled, using a bargain that made Michael believe that he would get what he wanted out of others. 

Luke shook his head. "How about I'll tell you only if I get to chose which bracelet this time?" He proposed as he slowly sat himself up too. He still had no idea what time it was but he was exhausted and wanted to get back to sleep. He was sure Michael had to be tired as well. 

Michael raised his brow intently. "I must say you're getting much better at this than I thought you would. Fine. I'll play the game your way this time." He rubbed his hands together excitedly, slightly leaning forward so he could tease Luke while he spoke about the newest member. 

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