Chapter 26

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One month later

Ellie's P.O.V

It's been a month since I broke my ankle , and today I can finally get my cast off and be switched to a boot for my ankle , but I still need my crutches though . So I got a shower , got dressed , fixed my hair , my makeup , grabbed my stuff , and headed out the door . Once we got there we waited for the doctor to call us . Ms . Peters the doctor will see you now a nurse said and Ned and I got up and headed in the back room to see the doctor . Why hello Ellie how are you feeling today the doctor said . Great I'm just ready to get this cast off I said . Awesome the doctor said and he got a machine and took the cast off . Then he took a ankle wrap and put it on my ankle , and then I slid the boot on . You'll still need your crutches for a few weeks , but then sometime next month you can exchange the boot for a ankle brace , and be able to walk again the doctor said . Yayyy I said . Well here's your next checkup and I'll see you soon the doctor said . Ok bye I said and we left the doctors office . After we left the doctors office we met up with Zach and Maggie for lunch . So I heard you got your cast off Zach said . Yea I did I said . Yea Zach told me that you broke your ankle ,  how'd you do it Maggie said . Well Ned and I were going to get lunch and I had to go to the bathroom , and as I was going downstairs to the bathroom I missed a step , and fell down the stairs , and broke my ankle I said . Ouch , but I'm glad you're starting to feel better Maggie said . Thanks the doctor said that next month I can stop using the boot and crutches , and wear a ankle brace , and be able to walk again I said . That's great Maggie said . After lunch Zach , Maggie , Ned , and I walked around , did some shopping , and saw a movie . Soon Zach and Maggie left and Ned and I went home . Ned I think this girl is going to stick I said . I think so too Ned said . I'm just glad he's finally found someone I said . Me too Ned said . Soon we got some dinner , put on a movie , and fell asleep .

What she wore :

What she wore :

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