Chapter 23

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Ellie's P.O.V

Ned and I are in Jacksonville , Florida visiting Ned's family . We planned this 2 days before we left the Bahamas . So we arrived in Jacksonville and waited for Ned's parents to pick us up . Soon we arrived to be greeted by Ned's sister who I haven't met yet because she wasn't home when I met Ned's family and also he didn't meet my sister either because she wanted to spend Christmas with her family because it was her first being a new mom . Babe this is my sister Grace , and Grace this is my girlfriend Ellie Ned said . Welcome to the fam Grace said , and we went in the house . Well it's not very hostess of me to not give you a tour Ned said and he gave me a tour of his home . That's the kitchen Ned said pointing to the kitchen , the living room pointing to the living room , the dining room pointing to the dining room . Then walking into another room . My parents office Ned said peeking in the room . Then heading up stairs to see the bedrooms . My sister's room is right here pointing to Grace's room , then my parents room pointing to his parents room , and then we'll be staying in my room in here Ned said and we walked into his room . It's very simple and classy I said . Why thank you darling Ned said trying a British accent while kissing my hand . Why you're welcome sir , your generous , gestures move me in such a amazing way I said also trying a British accent . Ohh well maybe if you want we can get extra cozy later tonight if you know what I mean Ned said grinning and winking . No , not here I said . Fine when we get back to L.A then can we Ned said . Ok deal I said . Deal Ned said shaking my hand to then pull me into a kiss on the lips . Well you two love birds dinner is ready Grace said . Ok we'll be down in a sec Ned said . Ok Grace said and we continued kissing . Soon we ate dinner , talked , played a board game , watched a movie , and then everybody went to bed . Oh so tomorrow my sister wants to take you to the mall to go do some girl stuff Ned said . OH YAYY I WAS REALLY HOPING TO GO DO THAT WHILE WE'RE HERE I said . Well tomorrow's your lucky day Ned said . Awesome I said and we put on a movie , and fell asleep .

The next day

Today Grace and I are going to the mall to do some girl stuff . So I got a shower , got dressed , did my hair , my makeup , and headed down stairs for breakfast . So Grace what are we doing today I said . We're going to the mall to do some shopping , then we're going to get our nails done , then we're going to see a movie (Pitch Perfect 2) , we're going to get lunch at my favorite restaurant here , and then my Mom is going to make your favorite dish SeaFood Gumbo Grace said . OH MY GOD TODAY IS GOING TO BE AWESOME I said . Yes it is girl now let's go Grace said and we finish our food , and head out the door . So we head to the mall do some shopping , get our nails done , see the movie , get some lunch , and then go do some more shopping . Soon it starts getting dark , and we headed home to eat dinner . After dinner we watched a movie , and go to sleep . How was your day with Grace Ned said . It was amazing I said and I listed all the things we did together . Wow looks like y'all had a good time Ned said . Yea I said and we put on a movie , and fell asleep .

The next day

Today is going to be more of a lazy day here at the Fulmer house . We woke up late , had a Brunch just left over Gumbo from last night , and we just laid around and watched T.V . They have a pool so Grace and I went outside to tan for a bit , and also do some swimming . As Grace and I we're about to hop in the pool Ned comes and shoves me in the pool for Grace to then shove him in the pool for then him to pull her in with him . Jack and Susan saw us and then also came out in here in their bathing suits . How about I grill some steak for dinner Jack said . Sounds good we all said and he went inside , grabbed the steak , and started dinner . Oh how about some music Grace said . Sure I said . Well because you're the guest you can pick the song Grace said . Well I love Pentatonix so I might as well I said . OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM Grace said . Really I said . Yea Grace said and she pulled up Pentatonix and played them on their outdoor speakers . After some tanning and swimming the food was ready . We are dinner , had some drinks , and went inside . Well Ellie everyone's gone inside and I have something to show you Ned said and he grabbed my hand and he pulled me to a tree which had a treehouse . We climbed up to see the cool treehouse . It had a cute lights , a floor pallet to lay on , a small table which Ned laid out with drinks and candles (with candle covers so the treehouse doesn't burn) , a wireless DVD player , a small pail the he used to put mail in when he was a kid , a basket with old movies in it , and a small door in the ceiling that you could open up to see the stars . I thought it was so cute that I had to get a picture . Ellie we're alone , in a treehouse , I have some drinks and candles , a comfortable floor pallet , and some condoms just in case . What if some hears us I said . They won't Ned said . Are you sure I said . Yea we'll be fine Ned said as he pulled me in for a kiss and we started making out , and we got busy . After we finished Ned opened up the ceiling door to look at the stars . Wow the stars are beautiful I said . Not as beautiful as you Ellie Ned said and he kissed me on the lips . I looked at my phone and it was going on 3:00 AM . Well we should probably head back down before they find out we were in here having sex I said . You're right Ned said and we put our clothes back on , headed back down the tree , went quietly upstairs , put on a movie , and went to sleep .

The next day

Today's the last day that Ned and I will be in Jacksonville before we leave to head back to L.A tomorrow . So we're going bowling . I got a shower , got dressed , did my hair , my makeup , grabbed my stuff , and headed downstairs . So Ellie I didn't see you and Ned head inside last night , what were you and Ned doing Grace said quietly said Ned couldn't hear . We had sex in the treehouse last night I said . Oh really Grace said . Yea I said . Will it be ok if I said this to you Grace said . Yea spill it I said . That's where I lost my virginity Grace said . Wow how old were you I said . 19 about to go on 20 Grace said . Wow that's the age I lost mine I said . Ha twins Grace said . YEA 19 AGE NON VIRGINS FOR LIFE I said and we high fived . After breakfast we headed to the bowling alley .

The score

1 : Ned's Dad
2 : Ned's Mom
3 : Grace
4 : Ned
5 : Ellie

I really sucked , but at least I had fun . After we went bowling , and had some good bowling alley food which was pizza we headed to the arcade to play some games . Ned beat me at all of them accept for one which was a dance game . After the arcade we went to Olive Garden to eat dinner , and we headed home . I had a amazing time with Ned's family and I can't wait to have more times like it .

The pic of the treehouse Ellie got :

The pic of the treehouse Ellie got :

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The bathing suit she wore :

The bathing suit she wore :

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What she wore out :

What she wore out :

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