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Emma's POV

"Hello?" I say groggily after answering my phone at 3 in the fucking morning.




"Ashy what's wrong? Is Ali okay?"

"You-Fuck I can't do this...Hi sweetheart."

Ali is on the phone now.

"Ali what's going on?"

"Are you sitting down?"

"I'm in bed so yeah."

"Sweetie there's no easy way to say this...Emma last night your parents got into an accident and passed away."


"I'm so sorry."

"This is a joke right?"

"I'm so sorry."

"Ali please tell me this is a dream."

"I can't do that Emma. I'm so sorry."

"Okay." I say then hang up.

Ali or Ash try to call back ten more times, but I reject each call then turn off my phone.

The next couple hours are a bit of a blur.

When I come around I realize I'm in my living room, or what's left of it anyways. Looking around the room I see the tv remote is lodged in the TV, the coffee table is flipped over, there's glass everywhere, the clock, which reads 8:00, is on the floor, and the couch if flipped over.

"I'll pick this shit up later." I say out loud then head up to the studio.

Once in the studio I lock the door then get the recording equipment setup. After it's setup I press the record mic button then head into the booth and sing out my emotions. Four hours later I have two complete songs so I release the songs on streaming sites and tweet out the link then turn my phone off again. After that's done I head down stairs and start cleaning up.

30 minutes later there is a knock on the door.

"HOLD ON." I yell as I step around all the glass on the floor.

After basically playing hopscotch to the door I open said door and I am met with five girls who look extremely worried. I'm then tackled to the floor in a big hug.

"Girls...off." I breathe out.

The girls get off then help me up.

"Why haven't you answered your phone?" Hailey asks.

"We've been calling for hours." Kendall says.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were?" Kylie asks.

"What's with those songs?" Bella asks.

"Well my phone is off and then I've been in the studio since early this morning." I say.

"Baby what happened?" Gigi asks.

"My parents died." I whisper.

"Oh baby." Gigi says and hugs me.

"I should hate them. I shouldn't be sad...why am I sad?"

"They're your parents Emma of course you're going to be sad." Hailey says.

"I need to go pack."

- - - - -

"You ready to go?" Gigi asks and holds out her hand to which I nod and take her hand in mine and follow her to the car.

Gigi and I are going to the family lunch before my parent's funeral.

I decided to have a joint funeral for them since it would be less emotionally taxing for everyone. We've also been here for a week going over the funeral and handling the affairs of my parent's estate.

Weirdly they left everything to me. I thought after I came out to them they'd give everything to Ash's parents or someone else. The also left me a note that basically said they were sorry and made a rash decision that cost them their daughter.

This week has also been very tense because except for Ash's parents my other aunt's and uncle's think this was my fault for some reason. I may or may not have kicked all of them out of the house while I was planning the funeral. They were pissing me off so I fixed the problem.

"Hey Emma...Hey Gigi." Ash says when we get to the lunch place.

"Hey Ashy...Hey Ali." I say and hug them.

"How are you doing?" Ali asks.

"Just waiting for the inevitable fight."

As if on cue when the four of us walk into the private room everyone gives me the stink eye.

"I did nothing to make them hate me so I don't know why you're looking at me like that." I say as we sit down.

"They're not here because of you." One of my aunts said

"I wasn't the driver that hit them, but keep telling yourself that."

"You made their life hell." One of my uncles says.

"I made their life hell." I say and look at them in disbelief. "Okay listen here asshole. My parents kicked me out when I told them I liked girls when I was 18, 2 months later I was kidnapped while in Greece. While kidnapped I was raped and tortured for a month and luckily I escaped. You wanna know what the only thing I wanted in the hospital was?...I just wanted either my mom or dad to pick up the fucking phone...But no they declined every call. I called my parents everyday for a year and they never once answered their phones so don't you dare tell me how hard their life was when I had to live the last 8 years knowing I wasn't wanted."

After my little rant the family stare at me shocked while Ash, Ali, and Gigi quietly eat their food. The rest of lunch is quiet and when Ash, Ali, Gigi, and I go to leave I stop at the door and look back at the family.

"The three people behind me are the only ones I want to see at the funeral. The rest of you are unwelcome. My parents wrote me a later in case they died so I know all of you were the reason my parents never talked to me...frankly I'm ashamed to be related to any of you. The only person in this family I'm proud to call family is Ash. The rest of you are a disgrace." I say then take Ali and Gigi to the front of the restaurant as Ash stares at the family.

"We'll talk about this later." Ash says then follows us out.

The four of us head to the funeral venue and thankfully the funeral goes very quickly. After the funeral for my parents is over I let everyone leave then approach my parents caskets.

"I'm sorry."


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