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Bella's POV

Nobody has seen or heard from Emma since she took her stuff from Kendall's place last week. She hasn't posted on social media, she hasn't returned texts or calls from anyone. She's basically been MIA so all of us, including Kendall weirdly, are at her house to check on her.

"Why is the door open?" Abel says.

"I don't know. Be careful." I say and Justin pushes the door open.

Once inside we take in everything and it looks like a war zone. The coffee table is busted into pieces, couches are flipped over. Theres stuff in the walls, and worst of all Emma is sitting against the wall staring at an unopened alcohol bottle. I cautiously walk over to her and squat in front of her.

"Emma" I say to break her stare.

"What are you doing here?"

"You haven't been answering any text or calls from any of us. It's like you died."

"That was kinda the point Bells." Emma say causing me to sigh and look back and see everyone still standing by the door.

"I know it hurts, but you need to show her that you are strong without her. She fucked up big time. You need to show her that Emma." I whisper.

"I can't."


"Because everything in me wants to run over there and kiss her and forgive her." She says then proceeds to break down so I pull her into a hug causing her to tightly hug me. I sit against the wall making Emma straddle my lap causing her to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask while giggling and the others look at her amused.

"If we weren't basically sisters and you were single this position would be amazing." She says causing everyone to laugh, except Kendall.

"There she is." Abel says.

Emma gets up and looks around her house and sighs. "Fuck I should just sell this house."

Hailey comes over to her. "We will help, but I need you to hand me that bottle Emma." She says and Emma hesitates, but ultimately gives it to Hailey who hands it to Gigi.

We can't let Emma have any alcohol because she had a liver transplant when she was younger and isn't allowed to have alcohol or grapefruit as they will throw her into rejection causing her to need another liver transplant.

Everyone gets to work picking up the place and everything is going fine until Emma and Kendall stare at each other causing everyone to look between them.

"Why?" Emma says.

"You never loved me." Kendall spits out.

"You think I didn't love you?"

"You never showed it."

Well that's bullshit.

"Stay here." Emma says and walks up stairs and comes back down two minutes later with a box of notebooks.

"What's all this." I ask.

"These are some of my song books. They are filled with songs about Kendall."

"What?" Everyone says.

She holds up one of the notebooks. "I wrote in this book after our first date." She hands it to Zayn.

"Holy shit!"

"What?" Justin asks.

"Every page is full of lyrics." Zayn says and we all look at him then at the book, then at Emma.

"I wrote songs about you a lot. Our first anniversary, our first time saying I love you, every time we had sex, when we fought. Every time you had a PR stunt. Kendall I always loved you. I have flown half way across the world because you needed me. I have lost friends because I wanted to spend more time with you. I almost went broke because of you."

Gigi goes to pick up one of the notebooks.

"Not that one." Emma says and Gigi freezes.

"Why?" Gigi says.

"I don't want anybody to see that."

"Why?" Hailey asks.

"You'll judge me.

"No we won't" I say and Emma hands me the book and I read the first song.

After I finish I look up at Emma and try not to cry. "Ems" I whisper.

"Told you." She says then hugs me.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm not answering that." Emma then grabs the book, puts it in the box, and takes it back upstairs.

- - - - -

Emma's POV

🍑📞: Need a distraction?

Me: Your house 30 minutes?

🍑📞: I'll be waiting.

"Emma." A voice from behind me says.

"What?" I say.

I then feel an arm wrap around my shoulder

"Why would you write that?" The voice, who I now know is Bella, says.

"Write what?"

"You know what I'm talking about Emma."

"Because at the time I felt that way...it's been a couple years." I say. "I have to change so I'll be out soon."

Bella nods and leaves my room so I can change. Once I'm done changing I grab my bag then head downstairs and walk towards the doors.

"Now if you'll all please be so kind as to leave I have somewhere to be." I say and open the door.

Everyone leaves and I close and lock my door then get in my car and leave my house. While driving I notice a car following me so I look in the review mirror to see who it is and instantly recognize who it is.

Fuck sake why are the girls following me? Fuck it I'll just call them.

"Hello?" Bella says.

"Why are you girls following me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Bella I can see you in my review mirror."


"Why are you following me?"

"We just want you to be safe." Hailey says.

"Well next time just ask where I am going."

"Well where are you going?" Kylie asks.

"I have an appointment to get to."

"What kind of an appointment?" Bella asks.

"I have a doctors appointment today."

I then hang up and make my way to my friends house and park in her garage...yeah I wasn't about to tell them where I'm going.

"Hey Emma." My friend, Amber Heard, says.

She is standing in her living room wearing just a robe.

"Hello Beautiful." I say then Amber pulls me up to her room.

Once we get to her room she pushes me onto her bed, takes off her robe revealing her gorgeous body, and starts passionately kissing me.

Before I dated Kendall me and Amber were friends with benefits, but she started dating Elon Musk and then I started dating Kendall and our rendezvous stopped. 

Once I've had enough of her being in control I flip us over so I'm on top.

"Did you clear your schedule for tomorrow?" I ask and take off my shirt.

"Yes Daddy." Amber says.

"Good girl."

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