Mermaid Pod

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Are you trying to become a mermaid using a shifting method (reality/mermaid shifting)? Have you wanted to join a group full of people just like you? Are you 14-18 years old or around those ages? Are you trying to become an open ocean or tropical mermaid? If you said yes to all of these, then why don't you join the Mermai Pod? The pod is a group of girls around your age trying to become mermaids through various methods including mermaid shifting, reality shifting, and more. How about you check it out? This could be the place for you! 

Here are all of the requirements:
1. Must be a mermaid or trying to become a mermaid (whether it's here or in your DR). You also should believe fully in mermaids.
2. Must believe in magic(k).
3. Must be open-minded and not a hater.
4. Must be female.
5. You have to be between 14-18 years old, unless you have already been approved and/or recommended by someone in the pod. It is fine if you are close to that age, we would still love to have you!
6. You must have agreed to the guidelines in your application.
7. You must be either tropical or open ocean. If you are a different type, you shall remain online and will not be able to join the pod in the future (if you're MS). You can be any type if you are only RS.
8. You must have Discord.
9. You must be using a shifting method (RS or MS). If you are using spells or subliminals to fully shift you then you are not allowed to join. 

You can see what it's like and learn more about the pod in my Mermai: A Mermai Pod book.

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