Important Update

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Hey, y'all! So, as some of you may know, I've been on and off Wattpad for about a year. I talked about this in "My Mythical Journal," which is now unpublished (sorry about that, but I really didn't like that book and it had no substance whatsoever). You may notice that I decided to unpublish a few of my books ("My Mythical Journal" and "Mermaid Shifting"), and I'm going to explain why.

For the past year, I've struggled with my opinions regarding the mythical community and my role within it. I have good memories associated with it, but I have bad ones as well. I've been in this community for about eight to nine years now, so I haven't really explored who I am outside of it since I've dedicated so much time and effort to this community and those within it. I don't regret joining the mythical community and meeting all y'all wonderful people (Mermai, I love y'all so much, y'all are the best <333), but I do want to explore who I am outside of it.

During exam season, I decided to cut all ties to the mythical community and pause my involvement in it. I did this because, one, it was exam season, so I decided I should focus on studying, and two, I wanted to test the waters and see what would happen. This community has been a major part of my life, such a major one that I never got the chance to find out what it would be like without it. I realized a lot of things during the time I spent away from the community. I realized what it is now costing me to be in it.

It feels like being here is holding me back since I feel obligated to spend as much time as possible doing things here, whether it's managing servers on Discord, answering questions, handling the responsibilities of a pod, posting on Amino, keeping up with all my duties on Wattpad (ex.: answering messages, responding to comments, updating my stories), and so much more.

Where did that get me? Well, it led to numerous controversies, countless disputes, lots of hate, tons of negativity, and plenty of issues. Though, I suppose that last one is pretty common in the mythical community. That isn't a coincidence. Nearly everyone in the mythical community has some kind of disorder or mental health problem. I wonder why...

I might leave. Right now, that's what I'm leaning toward because I need to spend time discovering myself and figuring out my life away from anything that could potentially distract or influence me. That includes the mythical community.

I would still most likely continue shifting, developing powers, and my magic-related studies, but if I were to leave, I would no longer record my progress online, share information with y'all, or handle any/all of the responsibilities that come with this account.

I love sharing my knowledge and teaching others, but the price is too high this time. I don't want to be held back anymore.

As I'm writing this, I'm still not 100% sure about what I want to do and whether or not I'd like to still be active. If I do leave, I won't delete my account or my books, but I will no longer be using it (and no, I won't be giving my account away).

Anyways, some of y'all might wonder, "Then why are you unpublishing some of your books?" Before I leave-- if I leave-- I'm going to clean up my account and make sure that everything is exactly how I want it to be. That means completing all of my books and finally closing this chapter of my life. The books I have unpublished are those that I had no motivation for completing, and hence will not be kept up. I'll repost some of the information in other books (specifically this one), but the books themselves will not be reposted.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that nothing is set in stone and my departure may not come to pass. I might end up staying on Wattpad longer than I expected! Meanwhile, until I reach a decision, I'm going to continue to prepare for the scenario where I will be leaving just in case it happens.

Most of you (probably all of you...) won't care about this. But I just thought I'd let y'all know <3

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