After Nine Years...

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...I've decided to leave.

During my time in the mythical community, as well as my time on Wattpad, I've learned countless things. I've learned so much about mermaids, magic, mythicals... it's truly been a swishy experience. One that I'm glad I had.

If you told me three years ago... two years ago... even one year ago that I'd not only be considering leaving the mythical community, but actually leaving it, I would've told you that there was no way, no way at all that I'd ever do that. This place has been my home. It's been my life. Yet here I am.

Why am I leaving?

I've spent quite a while offline. In that time, I've discovered things about myself that I never would've if I were immersed in the mythical community and shifting-- no, not immersed. Obsessed. I was obsessively shifting, I was obsessively trying to escape my reality, and I was obsessively trying to tell myself that I could make my life better if I just tried one more method, if I just tried one more subliminal...

As someone who has been doing this for nine years, nine years, let me share something with y'all.

Running is not the answer. Running away from your problems, ignoring your life, trying desperately to find your way out of a seemingly endless hell... you can't do that. It won't work. It never will. If you do that, you'll be running for the rest of your life. 

It was only after I stopped running that I realized who I was. I'm not Kima. Who I am is someone who's passionate about bettering the world around me. Someone who finds joy in the smile of another. Someone who wants to be better than I am.

How can I be better if I'm stuck in the past?
How can I be better if I'm constantly trying to escape my life?
How can I be better if I'm running from myself?

Instead of running away from life, I want to run toward life. I'm not a mermaid, I'm not in my dream reality, nor do I possess magical powers, but I don't need any of those to be happy. Happiness is a choice, and that's the choice I'm making.

(Oh my goodness, this sounds so cliché. But it's the truth.)

There's one last piece of advice I'd like to leave for y'all: Be yourself. That's it. Just be yourself. Be who you want to be, not who others tell you to be. 'Cause I'm no ordinary girl, remember? It'll be worth it, you'll see ;)

For the final time...

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,

Mermaid BelieverWhere stories live. Discover now