The Tonight Show and mom's arrival

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Rosa had been at Australia Zoo for over a month now. The days kept getting better and better. Rosa got more involved in the daily life at the zoo such as taking the wombats for walks, feeding the smaller animals like echidnas, koalas, Aldabra tortoises and more. Terri, Bindi, and all the other workers loved to share all their information and wisdom about the animals to her and Rosa loved learning more.

She didn't know where her and Robert were standing though - they definitely weren't dating, but definitely were not just friends either. Rosa wanted to talk with Robert about, where they were in their relationship, but didn't know if it was too soon or too late.

A Thursday night, she carefully knocked on Robert's door. "Come in!" Robert shouted in a raspy voice. She walked into his cozy room. Posters with animal posters plastered everywhere on the four walls. Books upon books were stored in shelves about different species, nature, Earth, the universe and much more. He was sitting at his desk doing homework, but turned around as soon as Rosa came in. It wasn't uncommon for them to talk at this time of day. Nighttime was usually the only part of the day, where they could catch up, just the two of them. Rosa loved this quality time with Robert. It was here, he told her his secrets, wishes and hopes for the future, and she told him hers.

"Rosa, I actually have something to talk to you about," Robert said. Omg, it's happening, he's asking me out! Rosa thought to herself. She tried to look neutral, and sat on his bed like she expected nothing out of the ordinary.

"You know, I wanted to hear you on this - maybe you would want to join me?" He began asking her. Rosa was confused. Join him on what?

"Every now and then, I go to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, to spread the message of conservation of wildlife and by crikey! Having you with me, would just be fair dinkum!" Robert enthusiastically spoke. Rosa lowkey tried to hide her disappointment - of course, she wanted to join him, but she had hoped for another question to come out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I would love to go," Rosa swallowed the lump in her throat. Robert scrunched his nose; "did I say something wrong?" he asked, worried if he had done something bad. "No no, not at all," she shook her head, looking down. "When are we going?" Rosa asked, and looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Tomorrow. We go tomorrow," he replied quietly, obviously sensing something was off, but not wanting to be a bother. "Ok," Rosa softly answered. With a small goodnight, she walked out of his room, and went straight to bed. What is wrong with me? Rosa thought to herself.

It wasn't like her to get sad over small things, but then again, she had never been in love before.

The next morning was stressful - everyone were running around the house to pack their last things before going on their short trip to New York. Rosa had since last night let off a lot of steam, and she could finally give a genuine smile to Robert, when he every now and then peeked worried glances at her. "You ok?" He muttered quietly, while Terri and Bindi were discussing if it was allowed to bring an echidna on a plane. Rosa nodded, and Robert gave a little thumbs up. She smiled, what a dork!

Wes drove Robert, Rosa, Bindi, Terri and Chandler to the airport in his small taxi. Rosa couldn't believe, that just a little over a month ago, she had been sitting in this very same car on the way to Australia Zoo, where her life would completely change - for the better.

Looking outside the window, the beautiful nature of Queensland surpassed her sight in quick flashing pictures. The wild, green grass, tall, thick trees and the sun baking on the asphalt making it go up in steams.

Finally they arrived at Brisbane Airport, grabbed their luggage, said their goodbyes to Wes, and headed off to the airport to go through security. They all seemed very used to flying all the time, and the whole process went very quietly.

That was until, they all heard a loud woman's voice scream: "ROSA, ER DET DIG!??"

Translated: "ROSA, IS THAT YOU!??"

Rosa quickly turned around, recognizing The voice in a instant. Her mother. Shit, shit, shit. "Who's that lady calling your name?" Terri asked. At this point, everyone had turned around, searching with bewildered eyes, where the voice had come from.

Suddenly, Rosa's mother came running up to them, with Rosa's father right in her heels. She came up, and pulled Rosa into a tight hug, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had missed her daughter so much, heartbroken over that Rosa had left her back home in Denmark. Of course, all the Irwin's were confused by this move - they thought Rosa's parents hated and had abandoned her? Terri stepped in.

"Excuse me Mrs, but if you are, who I think you are, I would like you to step back!" She said, wanting to protect Rosa.

This, Rosa's mother didn't approve of. "I would like you to step right back! I can't believe, you would let my daughter be with you. Look at her! She's just 15, and was overly obsessing over you back in Denmark!" she shouted in frustration.

Terri's face changed from hatred to shock. Bindi's too. Robert took a step back.

"She took all my retirement funds to go to Australia, ignorantly thinking you would let her in your home!" Rosa's mom continued.

Rosa looked down, her face was red of anger and embarrassment. She knew, she couldn't get her mother to stop rambling. This was all Rosa's fault. Shit, shit, shit.

"And you!" Her mom pointed at Robert, who took another step back." "You fool, think you know Rosa so well. Well, you DON'T. She's always been obsessing over you, and only wants you for the fame."

What!? That wasn't the truth. Rosa desperately looked at Robert, pleading for his forgiveness. He ignored her, his face building up with emotions of disgust and disappointment.

"Now we're going home!" Rosa's mother shouted and pulled her arm towards the gate. Rosa tried to break loose of her grip, but failed. While moving further and further away, she saw all the Irwins faces full of bewilderment. Robert looked shocked. He obviously felt betrayed.

"Robert!" Rosa screamed, gaining all the people around them's attention.

Robert looked at her one last time before turning his face, and walked away in the opposite direction.

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