Zoo-tour and a tarantula nightmare

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After a few intense seconds of staring at each other, Rosa decided to speak up.

"I-I loved your presentation. You're a-a-amazing," she awkwardly said. The words stumbled out of her mouth. Great, now she'd made everything worse.

"Aw, thanks!" Robert said with a big hand gesture. "I can come out to you if you'd like," he said while still standing behind the wire. "That would be great," Rosa replied and twirled her curly, coconut-infused-hair between her fingers.

Robert came out on the other side to Rosa and followed her out to the zoo, starting to give her a tour. Words came out of his mouth, but Rosa couldn't stop looking at him. He wore khaki shorts, a khaki shirt with Australia Zoo's logo on it and muddy boots. His blonde hair was a mess but in a good, shaggy way.

A lot of people, both adults and children, immediately recognized Robert, when they walked in the middle of the zoo, but Robert just waved and shouted, "good day everyone!" He was seemingly used to the attention.

But his attention was quickly turned back to Rosa again, and his blue eyes looked right into hers. She couldn't help but blush. He was a cUtie.

"-the zoo is just chockablock full with wildlife. We also do tons of research, and even have a animal wildlife hospital, where we treat around 6.000-8.000 animals a year!" Robert spoke with enthusiasm.

Rosa just nodded and pretended to not know that already from all that "Crikey! It's The Irwins", she had seen.

Suddenly Robert fished a big, hairy ass Tarantula up from his shirt's front pocket making Rosa nearly screaming and fainting at once.

"Isn't she just a cutie! She's a beautiful girl, just like you... uhh," he stammered. Wait what!? Rosa thought to herself.

"Uhh - she's a beautiful girl. Her name is Tara, and she's 8 years old, but she can get up to 25 years of age! Tarantulas are nocturnal predators, which means they hunt at night - isn't that just so cool!" He said.

Rosa silently nodded, but felt her head getting dizzy and vomit rising in the back of her throat. The hairy tarantula gave her the creeps and it was even named Tara! Just like her crazy friend back in Denmark, who was now a part of her past. Thank God!

Suddenly everything went dark for Rosa's eyes and she dramatically fainted to the ground.

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