The Ceremony

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Zero Two's POV

The last few weeks past by like the fleeting wind, and as graduation neared; I began to reflect on the time I spent at the academy.

Hiro: "You look like you're in deep thought." The girl pointed out, carrying some plates over to the sofa.

Zero Two: "I was just thinking...about our time here at this academy," I replied, taking the plate and cuddling close to Hiro. "It feels like I only just got here, but yet; I don't want to leave..." I then added.

Hiro: "I completely understand, I don't really want to leave this place either. There are so many good memories I made at this school," Hiro then sighed. "I met you here too..." he then added.

Smiling at him before I dug into dinner, I pulled out a picture book I had been working on.

Hiro: "You never told me you were working on a scrapbook!" Hiro exclaimed, teasing me a little.

I chuckled as I opened the book and began flicking the pages. As I flicked, little tears of joy clouded my vision, and I began to silently cry. Moving my head onto his arm, Hiro stroked my hair as I sobbed.

Hiro: "This school year sure was great huh...?" He then concluded, stroking my hair lightly.

It was then that I remembered something.

Zero Two: "Darling...take a walk with me!" I commanded, putting my clean plate down and getting up.

Hiro: "Okay...why?" Hiro asked as I led him outside.

Zero Two: "I have to show you something..." I admitted, blushing a little.

Walking along the path, lit by fireflies; I gazed happily at the clear sky. We walked through all the places we had good memories of until we found the balcony of the ballroom.

Zero Two: "This place is special to me..." I explained, putting a hand on my heart.

Hiro: "It's where we first danced..." Hiro continued, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Zero Two: "Where you told me you loved me..." I added, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Zero Two & Hiro: "Where I will never forget..." we both added, unison.

Humming the piano song that played when we danced, I began to lead Hiro along as we danced; only lit by the fireflies. The sound of the sky was almost gleeful, as the wind slightly blew and a bird; with one wing, flew away into the night. Gazing at the moon, I saw the bird join another bird in flight. The two began to fly together as one bird, and I smiled as I looked back at Hiro.

Hiro: "The Jian, also known as "the bird that shares wings," only possesses one wing," Hiro began, gazing into my eyes like they were all he could see.

Zero Two: "Unless a male and female pair lean on each other and act as one, they're incapable of flight. They're imperfect, incomplete creatures." I continued, peering into the world that Hiro saw.

Zero Two & Hiro: "But, for some reason, their way of life, struck me as profoundly beautiful. It was beautiful, I felt." We both finished, in unison.

Looking at each other silently, Hiro leaned in to kiss me. Reciprocating, I connected our lips as we stood there, motionless; the only sounds that could be heard were the calm crickets and the sound of leaves blowing. When we broke, we saw: Goro, Ichigo, Miku, Zorome, Mitsuru, Kokoro, Futoshi, and Ikuno, all staring at us with teary eyes.

Kokoro: "You two were meant to be together..." Kokoro pointed out.

Goro: "Forever and ever..." Goro continued, grasping Ichigo's hand.

We both laughed as we came down from the balcony to join them on our last night, altogether.
The next morning, I woke Hiro up; and we both got dressed into our graduation clothing. Holding my hand, Hiro and I walked into the assembly room, only to be met with cheers and waving hands.

Nana: "It seems you two are the talk of the school now." Nana-senpai explained, lining us up into our classes.

The ceremony went on, for what seemed like forever, and by the end of it; most of our fellow third years were in tears. Smiling at me, Hiro took my hand and we walked, triumphantly, onto the stage. We were given our diplomas, and then the ceremony ended, just as quick as the year had gone by.

Hiro: "Feels like it's all a dream huh..." Hiro exclaimed, looking at a passerby plane.

Zero Two: "Yeah..." I replied, unconsciously intertwining our fingers.

Hiro chuckled a little as he rubbed his thumb across my ring.

Hiro: "When we finish college, let's have our wedding." He suggested, turning to me.

Zero Two: "Yep!" I agreed, tears in my eyes.

Turning around, the rest of the gang was waiting for us, to say our last farewells as we parted ways for the first time. There were hugs, tears, and pictures; but one thing will always stick with me. I love everyone here and will do for the rest of time.

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