I love you, Goodbye

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Angel's Mind

I'm walking down wickery bridge and I see a car that looks exactly like mine and I take a look to see me in the car by myself. I look like I'm in pain my hands aren't on the steering wheel anymore. The car flys off the guardrail and into the water once more. I run over to the guardrail and see my car sink. Then there a bright blue light surrounding the inside of the car and it's reflecting onto the water.

I'm then turned around by an old woman who screams at me.

Old lady yells: Wake up.

Mind state over

I gasp awake and take a look of my surroundings I see that I'm outside. I smell blood everywhere.

Angel hey.

I look behind me to see a broken Alaric. I sit up and then stand up.

He breaks down and immediately hug him and he hugs back. I pull away and grab his face.

I look at him seriously: I'm sorry about what happened but I need to know where Elena is she's human.

Alaric chokes: Damon took her to the hospital.

I nod: Okay. I'll see her in a bit but I'm not leaving you. Where's that son of a bitch.

Alaric angrily says: I don't know.

He then sits in his car and I just noticed Jo laying in the passenger seat. I close my eyes in sadness.

Alaric: You should go.

He pulls a gun out of the glove compartment. I shake my head.

Then he gets out and his face turns from devastation to rage. I turn and see Kai walking toward us. He looks at us both.

Kai laughs: Bad time?

I then hear gun shots and see that Alaric is releasing the clip into Kai it it has no effect.

I then feel this surge of power flow through me.

Kai: Freaky, right? I turned myself into one of Lily's Heretics. It's really incredible, actually. I can literally siphon the magic of my vampirism and convert it into more magic.

I then look at Alaric in pain and I see the gun pointed at his head. I scream no but Alaric pulls the trigger and no bullets come out.

Kai: Ooh. Looks like somebody's having a very bad day.

He holds his hand out towards me and I hear that piercing sound once again. I scream in agony to make it stop my eyes have blood running down them and so does my ear.

I then find my voice as I look at Kai my eyes turn gold and I scream: I SAID STOP.

All I see is a wave and the wave hitting Kai making him fly far away from Alaric and I.

I stand up as he looks at me in fear. I look at Alaric who's looking at me in confusion.

Kai holds his hand out again but I beat it this time while holding my own out concentrating inflicting pain into him and then he screams in pain and then out of no where Tyler lunges and tackles Kai to the ground biting Kai. I stop what I'm doing and Kai casts a spell on Ty making him fly into Alaric's car.

Tyler and Kai both stand up at the same time, and Alaric looks shocked and horrified by the sight of him and I look at Tyler in awe. He looks at me and I can see that he's embarrassed.

I smile: You did good. Go.

Tyler gives us a look before he wolf-speeds away, leaping over a nearby car in the process. I turn back towards Kai who seems confused, yet amused as he watches Tyler leave.

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