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I just finished with a blood bag when Damon and Elena both bust into my room. I raise a brow and throw the empty bag to the floor.

Damon squints at me trying to figure me out. I shake my head at him.

Angel: What do you want. I have a big day ahead of me.

As I say this I grab my keys and walk out my room and then right on my heels.

Damon: Does that involve chewing heads off like doggy toys.

I chuckle: I mean if I wanted too..... yes but no.

I turn around and look at the duo: It's time for revenge it's way more fun than just chopping heads off.

Elena: Why you turn it off.

I give her a look: It's not why I turned it off it's about who forced me too. I didn't have a choice in the matter. Thanks to Stefan by the way. He was saying he was gonna kill you and Jeremy which would force me to shut it off.

I let them both process that for a bit and let out a long sigh as I continue down the stairs with them following me.

I look at them: Don't try and make me turn it back on. Toodles.

I vamp speed out of the house and into my car heading to Whittmore for Caroline's Audition. Stefan wants revenge as well so why not have a partner in crime with this.


Stefan and I are currently sitting behind the dead director who I happily ate with Stefan. We're waiting for Caroline to finish her horrible song. Once she's done she waits for the director to say something but he can't because he's dead.

Caroline: Hello? Pretty sure I crushed that.

I then kick the director's chair which causes his head to fall off. She finally sees Stefan and I and he slowly claps.

Stefan: Moving. Truly. Although it did lack a certain, um, authenticity.

Caroline: What the hell are you two doing? That was the director!

I give her a look while blood is still on my lips: And your talking as if we still care. But you also sing as if you care. Is that song for Matt... or Tyler. Maybe Damon I heard you had a thing for him too.

Caroline: It's a performance, Angel. You know everything about that considering your always dramatic.

I roll my eyes: Says the bitch who cried once Tyler left her.

All Caroline does is glare at me and I stand up and hop over the directors seat and walk towards the stage.

As Stefan speaks he gets up and does the same.

Stefan: If your wondering why we're here Caroline it's because we don't like this version of you especially this carefully crafted good student routine, straight and narrow, anything to keep you from making a mistake you might regret one year from now when you flip your switch back on. Oh, except the whole ruining our lives part.

Caroline gives us a look: Well, if your humanity's off, then you shouldn't really care how I deal.

I shake my finger: No, no, no. See, that's where you're wrong. Because, like you, Stefan and I are prone to doing bad things when our humanity is off, but unlike you, We don't have an elaborate system to keep us in check.

Caroline: Well that's not my problem.

Stefan: Well, we're making it our problem. If our lives is gonna fall apart when our humanity starts flooding back, then so is yours. When we're done with you, you'll be drowning in mistakes.

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