Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Choose a position that you feel comfortable in Clari. Hold the gun at arm's length with both of your hands gripping it. Focus on your target but remember to always stay aware of your surroundings too." Toni explains beside me. He positions my arm and steps away.

I hear Diego give out an exaggerated, loud groan from somewhere on the field. "Yeah cause our enemies are going to patiently wait for her to get in position and focus on them."

"Fuck off Diego." Toni and I say in unison. He had been complaining non stop for the past two hours. He was making sure that his opposition to me learning how to shot a gun is heard.

"Does our dad know that you're playing around with guns?"

"She needs to learn." Toni repeats.

Tuning out his complaints, I focus on the target in front of me. The target is a sack filled with hay in the shape of an actual human man. We're out in an open field somewhere behind my father's house. A single, long metal wall has a few dummies, including mine, lined in front of it.

I had already been practicing for over two hours, but I still couldn't calm down my nerves at the thought of shooting a gun. There's something about holding such a powerful weapon that makes my heart beat fast. As I pull the the trigger at Toni's command I close my eyes and flinch from the loud sound of the bullet being shot out from the gun.

I hear a small sigh come from Toni and a groan from my brother. I slowly open my eyes and look at the target. The bullet had barely grazed the side of the head. "At least I got the ear, right?" I joke.

"Yeah and you ripped one of its toes off earlier too. Still wouldn't stop someone from killing you and those around you." Toni murmurs.

"Give me." Diego jogs over and takes the gun from me. He gently pushes me to the side, and positions him slightly in front of me. I glance at Toni who is standing to my other side. He has a small smile on his face as he watches Diego. "I know the sound of the gun going off is loud but eventually you'll get used to it. My advice to you is to not make it a habit of closing your eyes." Without another word Diego starts shooting out bullets one after another, his arms moving side to side with each bullet shot. I watch in awe as each bullet hits the target in the forehead, arms, chest, and stomach.

"Show off."

"It just pains me to see such a horrible shooter, hermanita."

"Yeah, because you were always such a perfect shooter." I snap back at him.

"I wasn't as bad as you."

"He's not wrong." Toni pitches in.

"Shut up."

"It looks easy but it's not." Diego grabs me by the shoulders. "Look, I'm not saying that you will never learn how to shoot a gun. All I'm saying is that I don't ever want you to be in a position where you will be forced to use one. You're always going to be taken care of so don't stress too much about this."

His little speech does nothing to make me feel better but my self-pity party doesn't stop Toni from making me practice for another two hours.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

It's a full house at dinner time. My uncles and aunts have flown over from Spain to stay for a few weeks and of course we have to have a welcoming dinner; which really isn't different from any other dinner we have but who am I to ruin their happiness?

Melina of course has come along but surprisingly she ins't as bitchy as she was the first time I met her. Granted, she isn't acting like the best cousin of the century but at least she's being a decent human being.

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