Chapter 17

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*Calum's POV*

We decided we'd start our band by posting covers on YouTube.

"Um what should we cover first?"

Ashton said to the rest of us. We all sat in silence for a good 10 minutes thinking. Then Luke speaks up.

"How about do Jasey Rae by All Time Low?"

We all agree and go set up a camera and get ready to film. We turn on the camera and it comes naturally to me.

"Hi guys were 5 Seconds Of Summer, that's Ashton, Michael, Luke and I'm Calum and this is our cover of Jasey Rae by All Time Low hope you like it."

*after the cover*

We finish and watch it over. We look like idiots but we sound okay. We post it to Luke's YouTube channel and just wait.

We just sit by the computer refreshing ever so often. Hours pass and were still sitting.

"Why are we just sitting here?"

Michael finally says.

"I don't know. Want to go to maccas?" Ashton says while throwing a crumpled piece of paper at the ceiling.

"Um how about maccas drive thru."

We all agree and get our food. We drive home and play video games while eating burgers, typical guy things.

"How can you not like FIFA, Ashton." I say dumbfounded about the fact my best friend just told me.

"It's just boring! We could just play football outside... You know in real life!" He practically yells back. Ashton and I continue to bicker back and fourth about which is better but I finally let Ashton win.

"I want vodka." Michael says.

Shit. This is never good.

You see when Michael is drunk he gets really angry and emotional... AT THE SAME TIME. He'll be crying while telling you to fuck yourself. One time he was telling me his life story then all of a sudden he picked me up by the collar and threw me on our couch.

"Mike I don't thin-" I start but I'm interrupted.

"Calum I'll be fine. I just want one drink."

"You always say that." I mumble to him.

"Shut the fuck up Cal."

So now it starts.

A/N: okay this is really short but I wanted to quickly put something out there! I've been really busy cause I started high school on September 2nd and I've been settling in and I forgot to write lol I'm sorry!! BUT I HAVE BIG IDEAS!!

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