chapter two

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Sighing, I answered the group Facetime call. "What is it, guys?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice, as they knew I didn't want to Facetime but kept bugging me until I gave in.

"Whoa, who peed in your Cheerios this morning?" Daniel asked, his eyebrows furrowed at my snappy comment.

"I don't even think that he had Cheerios this morning, Dani. There's no way if he's this grumpy already, and the conversation just started." Zach replied, shaking his head slightly.

"I was trying to sleep." I lied, rolling my eyes.

"That's a lie. We all know you're sleeping schedule's jacked." Daniel immediately replied, seeing through my little white lie. "The moment the last week of school showed up you stopped caring about sleep, barely getting any because you know that during the summer you could sleep however long you want."

"No I can't, not like I planned to," I muttered, messing with a pen on my desk. I don't even know why this is here when I threw pretty much everything in the trash the moment the bell rang.

"Okay, here we go again. What is it with you and absolutely despising this camp?" Daniel asked, his face turning red with frustration. Man, he gets annoyed quick.

"Guys I don't want to argue about this again," Zach said, although I ignored him, my own anger getting the best of me.

"Because Daniel! It's like two months-"

"Two and a half actually," Daniel cut me off as if the correction would make it any better.

"Exactly! It takes up our entire summer! We're going to be sophomores next year, I want to prepare myself for that not only mentally but physically too." I replied, throwing the pen down in anger.

"Jack, I don't think you need to prepare physically at all. You literally have every girl drooling over you in school, you'll have half - if not, all - girls drooling at you over this camp. Isn't that what you like? Girls staring and giving you attention?" Daniel asked, rolling his eyes.

No, that's not what I want at all and I don't know why everyone thinks I do.

"Yeah, sure. That's exactly why I want to get into shape." I sarcastically said. "Look, Daniel. I'm going, I get that. Not only because you and Zach won't stop complaining about it but the grandparents thought that was the perfect camp for me, and got it stuck inside my mom's brain that I need to go there. I'm stuck going whether I want to or not."

"Which it's the latter." Daniel crossed his arms, mumbling.

"So what?" I asked, moving my head in exaggeration, holding a hand out.

"I'm just saying, what if you actually end up really enjoying it there?" Daniel asked. "Zach and I have been talking, and we haven't liked your attitude lately! You're taking so many things for granted."

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