The Confession

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  • Dedicated to ALL OF YOU AWESOME GUYS!!!!!

A/N SOOOOOOOOOOOS SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!! if u guys dont want to hear my excuses... then skip this, ok so first off i was lazy... i know i know, im sorry, but i kind of totally just a little bit forgot about updating? and also i have writers block... i mean, i know what im going to say... i just dont know how to say it... SORRY!!!! i also am busy with school and stuff, im homeschooled , and im starting to go to different classes, and then i need to finish work, soccer season started... and yeah, so soooooo sorry... anyway go ahead and read this next chappie :D

Esther's POV

My heart pounded as the king turned to me. and asked the question i have been dreading for days.

"Queen Esther, what is your petition? It will be given to you. What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom it will be granted."

I took a deep breath and answered.

"If I have found favor with you O king, grant me my life-" the king gasped, but i ignored it and kept on speaking " this is my petition. And spare my people- this is my request. For my people have been sold for destruction and slaughter and annihilation. If we had merely been sold as male and female slaves, I would have stayed quiet, because no such distress would justify disturbing the king."

The kings face was red with rage, and for one second i was afraid he was mad at me, until he spoke,

"Who is he? Who is the man who has dared to do such a thing?" he asked, and i knew he wasn't mad at me, the man that did this was going to feel his wrath.

" The adversary and enemy is the vile Haman." i said, unable to help scrunching up my nose while saying his name, though thankfully, the king had turned away. Haman looked absolutely terrified, and the king quietly stood up, and walked out.

Haman sat there for a second, then turned to me, and started pleading for his life; which was funny, since I was the one who reported him. But I didn't hear a word he said, I walked away and sat on the couch in front of the huge fireplace, which had a roaring fire in it. Haman followed me as I reclined, and was still begging me. I took a deep breath, about to tell him to back off, but he had been standing up, when his foot caught on the edge of the rug, and he fell forward on top of me.

The king walked in right then, and gasped: loudly, I might add.

"Will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house?" AS soon as the words left the kings mouth, the guards that came with him, seized Haman and took him away.

Harbona, one of the kings eunuchs attending him said,

"A gallows seventy -five feet high stands by Haman's house. He had made it for Mordecai who spoke up to help the king."

King Xerxes turned to him and replied, "Hang him on it!" Harbona bowed his head respectively, and walked out of the room, and the dream i had had came back to me. The gallows were only meant for Mordecai, but Haman would be hanged on it. The king knew my heritage, and he was fine with it, Haman was gone, I was safe. Mordecai is safe. My people are safe. And I am glad.

A/N DUN DUN DUN!!! THE END :D yay this is my first official book that i finished :D and im soooooo happy :D soooo yeah :D thanks guys for all the support! i would dedicate this chapter to all of u, but im still figueing out how :D so anyway, luv u all :D

~Katie :D

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