"Friends" or People in General

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Ah yes, the best of topics! The topic that might make you smile or roll you eyes, depending on what you know.

I'm not trying to be egotistical, but if you know a lot about me, then feel honored because I don't let just anyone know stuff about me.

What do I mean?

To most people, I might come across as a happy-go-lucky girl, laughing, not a care in the world! But I'm quite the opposite. I'm never completely happy, but I just tell people that I'm just feeling sick. I can pull it off because I do look sick with me barley sleeping because of my anxiety. If you know this about me, then you're my friend. If you know that I'm writing a book on wattpad, then you are my best friend *winks aggressively at people*

Anyways, let's get to this?

Is the glass half full or half empty? I'll give you a minute....

What did you say? If you, like me, said that YOU DONT GIVE A FLUCK, then awesome! I know it's good to be positive, but let's face it, the world is not a very positive place. I just wish that society (people) would stop trying to fill our heads that the world is just a beautiful place to be in and that everything will turn out perfect.

If you're not Beyoncé, I'm sorry to inform you that it won't turn out that way.

I'm not here to be a downer but! Most of the time, friends that you have won't be there in 10 years, but that's okay. That's life. The only thing is that you should enjoy them while you have them. You'll make many more throughout your lifetime, so don't worry.

Love life? 50% of marriages end in divorce. Just saying. Not saying that you shouldn't fall in love, I'm just saying that you shouldn't pour your heart and soul into it. Just in case!

The only people that will be forced to love you are your family. I'm not saying that in a and way, it's awesome! you guys will always have this bond, this tie, that can never leave, no matter what you do. Even if all thats left is a little.

Vote if you hate people.

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