Chapter 3

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"Move out of the way!"

"That's my seat!"

"I don't see your name on it!"

"Oh my gosh! Did you hear what he said today?"

"Go away!"

Hyunjin sighed as he stood at the front of the bus scanning each seat for an empty spot. This was the part of the day he dreaded most. He recognized no one, it was way too noisy, and he could barely move without smacking someone in the face with his backpack.

He could feel his pulse quicken as the people behind him began trying to push him forward. However, in his panic, his legs were stuck. He could feel the social pressure and his inner introvert started to take over. He wanted to turn around and run, but he had to get home somehow.

He stared blankly in front of him, a cloud of anxiety finding its way over his eyes. He gripped the backs of the two front seats and willed away the noise.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him sharply to the left. Hyunjin lost his balance and fell on the seat with a thud. For the few seconds it took his heart to calm down, Hyunjin sat in a daze facing the aisle, not really noticing the people stepping over his legs to get to their seats.

Eventually he shook his head like a dog, causing his hair to flop around, and registered his surroundings. He blinked a couple of times before abruptly pulling his legs in and facing front. Obviously he still wasn't totally aware yet because he missed the fact that he almost made someone fall flat on their face with his sudden movement. The bus erupted in laughter, but Hyunjin was now gawking at the person beside him like he was seeing a dream.

"Changbin?" He breathed out like he was scared that the boy would disappear if he spoke too loud.

Changbin already had earbuds in and was staring out the window, so he didn't hear Hyunjin.

The panic started to set in again as Hyunjin's gaze flicked back and forth between Changbin and the seat in front of him.

Should he try to talk to him? He did help him and give him a seat, maybe he would actually talk this time. However, even if Hyunjin wanted to talk, Changbin didn't seem in the mood.

Screw it.

Cautiously Hyunjin raised his right hand to tap on Changbin's shoulder, but before he could get the other boy's attention, a backpack hit his head and he felt a person fling themselves onto his lap.


Hyunjin flinched from the contact and sudden shout. He also internally cringed at how cute the person was trying to be. He guessed it was a guy, but couldn't be too sure, because whoever it was had raised the pitch of their voice to sound super needy.

The next second though made Hyunjin super confused, because the person leaned over to Changbin and pulled out his earbuds before completely changing their tone of voice.

"Hey, Changbin!" The now obviously a guy said in a demanding low voice.

"What?" Changbin snatched his earbuds back causing the other guy to pout.

"Pay attention to me!" The whiny voice was back and Hyunjin was more confused than ever, especially since this guy still hadn't noticed that he was sitting on another person.

Hyunjin leaned over to try and get a better view of the guy's face when it dawned on him.

This was the guy from the lunch room!

What did Kaiyong say his name was? Lee......

Hyunjin couldn't remember correctly because now the guy was crazily hugging Changbin while wiggling around on Hyunjin's lap.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now