Chapter 36

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"You really think I could pull that off?"

"Babe, leather jackets were made for you, and then I get to wear a poodle skirt! It's gonna be perfect!"

"Your family is going to make so much fun of you."

"So? I was literally a jellyfish last year. Nothing could be worse than that."

"Did you forget I was a seahorse? That was definitely worse." A snicker could be heard.

"Yeah, the scaly horse head was pretty traumatizing."

"While you got to go around all shimmery with your pearl umbrella. Don't tell me who had it worse!"

"But this year you get to look hot! Please!"

"Why are we even dressing up if all we're doing is chaperoning the munchkins while they trick-or-treat?"

"Because it's fun? Duh. And I want an excuse to do your hair again."

"I am not letting you anywhere close to my hair."

"I promise to not use heating products! It will just be hair gel!"

"And get it everywhere? No, thank you."

"Minho~ Come on~"

"I get control of the hair gel, you get control of the comb, okay?"

"REALLY? Woohoo!" Random kiss sound, "Thanks, Babe. You will not regret this!"

"When you say it like that, I'm not so sure anymore. Hey, hey, hey! I was kidding! What are the kids going as?"

"I thought I told you!"

"Well obviously you didn't."

"Okay, fine. They're going to be superheroes."

"I thought they were superheroes last year."

"Different ones. Last year was Batman and Spiderman. This year is Black Panther and Superman."

"I see they picked the cool ones finally."

"You're really trying to annoy me today, aren't you?" No verbal response could be heard.

"So Hyunjin, what are you going to be for Halloween?"

Hyunjin glanced up at the stacked couple from his instant mashed potatoes and shrugged.

"You only have a week. You know that right?" He nodded and continued pushing the potatoes around with his fork.

Honestly, the spooky holiday had been the furthest thing on Hyunjin's mind. If he concentrated, he could remember that it was next Thursday, but as a fairly new, sixteen-year-old student, he had no reason to get dressed up. Who in his small group of friends would be throwing a party or actually going out to steal candy from houses? He was not going to tag along with Jisung's brothers no matter how much he loved kids. Third wheeling was not an option in this case.

"He'd be a pretty great vampire."

"You'd be a pretty great vampire."

"That's not what we were talking about, Ji."

"I know, just thought I'd mention it, and I agree, he could pull off some fake blood."

Hyunjin didn't want to tell them that he hadn't dressed up since he was twelve and decided that the home group parties were not worth the hype. That year he had been a basketball player and had to stand by the heater the whole time because he was stupid enough to wear shorts. He never went again.

"Oh wow, he's back."

Hyunjin could feel a presence behind him. Heavy breaths landing right on his scalp, a bit of shakiness to the breathing, and the sound of plastic being squeezed. Hyunjin's lips turned up in a bittersweet smile. Of course he would sit here. It was cold, and Felix would be here soon. It was his only option.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now