Chapter 35

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After seeing the untidy state of the bedroom, I left it and slowly went downstairs. Halfway down, I noticed the front door open and someone come in.

I was right, someone was using this place as their own. It was Nancy. What was she doing here? She came in and closed the door, and looked around. When our eyes met, I let out a smile.

I smiled because since she traveled, we had not been in touch with each other again. So it was strange seeing her here.

"Nancy, Nancy. Who would have thought I'd meet you here." I came down and stood in front of her. She didn't utter a word.

"My best friend is in my own house." I walked around her trying to understand how she could do this to me.
"Olutola? I have always been a friend. In times when you were bothered by your husband's behavior, I was there. I saw you walk up the aisle on your wedding day. I am still that friend."

"Should I believe in a law enforcement officer, or should I believe in the friend I once had?"
"Tola you still have a friend. I am still your friend."
"So what are you doing here? How did you get the keys to the house?"
"You forget I am a police officer." She sighed.
"And so it gives you the right to take possession of my property?"
"No. But I knew sooner or later, you would come here."
"So you've come to arrest me right? You think I murdered my own husband right?"
"No, Tola. I am not coming to arrest you. I only came to talk."

"And what is there to talk about?" I said, as I went over to the sitting room table. I took the photos of Ola and Kemi, and held them up for her to see.

"You see my husband and my best friend, Kemi?" I asked her. I kept flipping the photos for her to see. When I got to the photo in which she was with them, I showed it to her.
"This is you and them. And yet I considered you my best friend, Nancy!"
"It's not what you think."
"And what am I supposed to think after seeing this?!" I asked thrusting the photo at her face. Nancy held up her hands to defend herself.

"Stop it, Tola! Stop it!"
"Why should I stop?! You guys ganged up to kill my husband and you're trying to frame me for the murder!"
"Look Tola I could get you arrested right now and lock you up for good." I held my breath when she said that. I was angry, and didn't care about being arrested or locked up.

"Nancy, do you think I care if you lock me up? Ola is dead and gone. I don't care about anything and ANYBODY!" Tears started filling my eyes, and I tried to cover my eyes so she wouldn't notice it. But she saw it and came up to me.

"Tola, its alright." She said placing a hand on my shoulders. She held my hands and directed me to sit."Here, sit down, Tola."

I was powerless to argue with her and did her bidding. I sat down and wiped my tears. She sat next to me and observed me.
"Don't worry, Tola. You will be alright." She took my hands and held them for a minute. I looked away.
"Tola, just take everything easy, okay?"
"Why? Tell me why, Nancy?"
"Because perhaps that's the way it was meant to go."
"And did you know it was meant to end like this?"
"I mean Ola dying like that?" Nancy looked away for a second and sighed.
"Believe me Tola, I was away when it all happened."
"You were away?" Nancy nodded, "And how did you get to the rank of police chief? How did you come to be in charge of the case of the woman that was kidnapped in the hotel room?"
"It's a long story, Tola. I mean, it just happened that I found myself lucky enough to get there."

I laughed as I knew she wasn't telling me the truth.
"Wait, so you come back from the UK after Ola's death only to be assigned the post of police chief?"
"Okay look how I got there isn't the problem. I'm there and that's all that matters."
"And what good can it do me, Nancy?"
"Look, I am here to help you. And while I can't tell you anything related to the case... "
"So there's an ongoing investigation?" I interrupted.
"Yes and... " she paused
"And what, Nancy?"
"Tola, its best whatever intentions you have... "
"I have no intentions."
"I mean if you have any intention of trying to find out what happened or who did it or whatever, forget about doing so." Nancy shocked me by saying this.

I knew something wasn't right and I wanted to find out. Chuks, the hotel manager, told me to forget about it and save my life. Now, here I was sitting with Nancy, and she was telling me the same thing.
"And why?" I asked her, "Give me one reason why?" She kept quiet while observing me carefully.
"Because, there's an ongoing investigation. You trying to find out will interfere with the case."

"It's my husband that died. If the police are on the case, I still have a right to know what happened."
"Tola, I can't argue with whatever right you think you have. He was also my friend." I looked puzzled hearing her say that.

I knew they were friends, I didn't doubt that. But what disturbed me, was why she was telling me to stop finding the truth.

"He was your friend, I know that. But he was my husband and I'm the one suffering the loss not you or any other person."
"I can't deny that, and I'm sorry for your loss. But like I told you, do not interfere or go your own way in trying to find out what happened."

I frowned at her response. I couldn't imagine why I had to give up searching for the truth. One look at her told me there was a lot going on. I looked suspiciously at her.

"Is that a warning, Nancy?" My words seemed to have shocked her. She adjusted herself on the chair and looked at me.
"Tola I wish I could tell you otherwise, but this is a serious case and you may risk losing your life." My eyes widened in fear as she said I could risk losing my life. I tried to connect what she said with what the hotel manager had told me.

I realized they were saying the exact same thing. I had to agree with her, as I didn't know to what extent my life was in danger.
"Nancy, you are telling me to give up finding the truth. Why? And also, as the wife, why haven't  you called me in for questioning." Nancy sighed and looked away. "Isn't that strange?" I asked her.
"Look Tola, I've told you the much I can tell you. Save your life and forget about finding the... "
"Finding the truth you mean?" I interrupted her. She nodded. 

"Isn't it strange that I am not even being held as a suspect? Isn't it strange I can't identify his corpse? And isn't it strange that you and every other person including my own parents, are relaxed about this case?!"

"Nancy, why am I being treated like a nobody?!" I shouted, "Why?!"

"I've told you everything I need to tell you as a friend." I shrugged. If there was one thing I hated most, it was being kept in the dark about something. And Nancy was doing exactly that. What was going on and what was she hiding from me?

I got up and took my bag. I wanted to go and see my parents and find out what they knew about Ola's death. Would they also tell me to give up my search for the truth? Would they like Nancy, tell me not to waste my time in finding out who killed Ola and why?

"Where are you going Tola?" Nancy asked, when she saw me get up.

"I have to pay some very important people in my life a visit."

"Then I'm coming with you, Tola." Nancy got her bag and stood up.

"No! Nancy you are not going with me!" I shouted, pointing at her.

" Tola I can't allow you go out alone, it could be risky!" 

"Has it gotten to that already, that I need protection?" I walked up to the front door and had slightly opened it when Nancy quickly came behind me and shut the door.

"Nancy what are you doing preventing me from going out?" I asked her now getting more nervous.

"Tola don't put me in a situation where I have to put you away for a few years."

"Like I told you before, I don't care if you lock me up. Do so now if you want to. I DO NOT CARE!" I shouted at the top of my voice. Nancy closed her eyes while she folded her arms across her chest.

I guess she was beginning to get fed up of me shouting at her. She looked at me and then took hold of the door handle, and turned it.

"You want it your way don't you, Tola? Shebi you wan commot?" I could hardly say a word when she asked me that question. She swung the door open.

"Go, go out and do what you want. Isn't it the truth you want? It's out there somewhere." She asked.

"Nancy, it's my problem and not yours."

"Yes I know. But when it gets bad, don't come running back to me. Because then,  I won't  even look at you." I knew she was angry, but it didn't matter to me. All I wanted was the truth.

I left the house and got into my car and drove out. I had to see my parents. Perhaps they could tell me something. Something no one else wanted to tell me.  

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