Chapter 18

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Tension is something I hate to see around me.  And especially now that I had just started work, and was yet to receive my first salary. But after I made the decision not to be with Ola, there was tension in the house. My mother felt her dreams of seeing me go up the aisle had vanished. And she was taking it so seriously enough to consider me her number one enemy.

Her attitude towards changed completely and so I had to find a way to address the problem and change the situation. I talked to my father about it and the only thing he kept telling me was to give my mother time to get over her annoyance.  While I agreed with him, I wasn't satisfied waiting. I needed to do something.

 I had to do something. And the only thing that came to my mind, was to find Ola and talk to him. But where was he and how could I find him? I hadn't seen Nancy in a while and so I decided to call her up. When she answered my call, she wasn't in the best of mood either. I had to ask her what her problem was.

"Tola, how do I explain to you that I am going through what you've been going through?" she replied.

"And what exactly are you going through?" I asked her. A little silence followed after my question. I had the impression she wasn't ready to tell me whatever it was she was going through.

"Tola if you have time, I think it's best we meet. It's not something I can talk about on the phone." She finally answered. I agreed to meet her after work. And so after work I drove down to her house. When she opened the door she was extremely happy to see me.

"Tola? Now I know what you are going through with Ola." She didn't allow me to sit down before she started talking. When I finally sat down she started telling me a story that in part, was similar to my own story. Her boyfriend, Tunde, was becoming a rarity in her life and she had come to the conclusion, he had left her.

"Tola, I have a feeling he's avoiding me. Perhaps he has another woman somewhere."

"No, you can't  jump to such a conclusion. He might just be too busy and has very little time." I answered back, trying to reassure her. But I knew she was certain, her boyfriend had left her for someone else. Seeing the desperation on her face, it was hard telling her why I wanted to see her.

"No Tola, this is unlike him. This is the third month he has been telling me he's going to come and postponed it." She was restless while talking and I tried to calm her down. 

"Nancy, everything will be alright. But whatever happens, and if it happens that he leaves you, it's not the end of the world." Nancy stared annoyingly at me. It made me wonder if I had said something wrong.

"It's so easy for you to say that, Tola." she said angrily.
"I haven't said anything wrong?"

"Look, stop right there, okay?! Just stop it! Because you don't know how I feel!" She said, raising her voice and pointing a finger at me. This surprised me and I found it difficult to immediately answer back. I stared awestruck that my opinion had irritated her. 

"Sorry o. I beg o, no vex." I remarked.

"Tola, it seems you came here to mock me or wetin? Dem send you come?" I sighed. 

"See who dey cry wey I say make I come rescue."
"Abeg. Tola na my trouble you come find or wetin?"

"Look Nancy, don't think you are the only one with problems in love. At least you know my story with Ola." Nancy put her hands to her jaws and looked at me quietly.

"Nancy you know how I rarely see him. Now I have taken the decision to move on without him." Nancy's eyes widened when I said that.

"Yes, I have taken the decision to move on without him," I repeated. 

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