Ch.20: Dom's past

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Chapter 20:

Dom’s POV:

I crack my eyes open, and a smile forms on my lips. In my arms, lays a beautiful sleeping Kora.

I nuzzle my face in her hair, and breath in the strawberry scent.  

I love this girl so much.

I sigh, and tighten my arms around her. 

I never thought I would love anyone ever again, that is, until Kora came along. The first time I saw her, I knew she was different. Her strength, and dexterity. But also her flawless beauty. 

She is an angel of death. The cherub looks, but the killer instincts.

I wanted her by my side because she was the best fighter I’ve ever seen. But as I got to know her, I started to fall in love.

The years of late night training, and going over strategy plans brought us closer together.

But my past still haunts me. It makes me apprehensive of starting a family with Kora, but I love her too much to let that stop me.


Little twelve year old Dom runs through the castle backyard, with his younger brother of two years, Tom, chasing after him.

’Dominic, slow down!’ Tommy whines, as he starts to tire.

Dom giggles, but slows down enough for Tommy to catch up.

Their fourteen year old sister, Katherine, steps outside,’Dominic! Tommy!’ she calls out,’Mother wants you to come in for dinner.’

 They race each other toward the castle, shouting, and shoving each other.

‘Boys! What did I say about roughhousing in the castle?’ their mother, Scarlett, snaps at them.

They bow their heads and mumble,’No roughhousing in the castle, cause we might break something.’

She smiles and nods,’Good. Now, Dominic, could you fetch your father?’

He nods and runs up the flights of stairs to his fathers office.

He knocks on the door and waits.

‘Come in.’

He walks into his fathers office, to find him sitting behind a large desk.

‘Mother says dinner is ready,’ he tells his father.

 His father, Aidan, nods. He stands, and walks over to his son. He picks up son up and kisses his cheek, then sets him atop his shoulders. 

Dom giggles happily as his father flits downstairs.

 His father sets him down, and kisses his wife, They then sit down, and tuck into their dinner.

 Dom watches his father with with such pride. He looks up to his father like no other. He is going to be king one day, and he wants to be just as good as his father is. 

Aidan was a kind man. Very fair, and kindhearted for a king. He wasn't selfish, or greedy. He gave money to the poor, and looked after his subjects and kingdom. But most of all, he loved his family more than his own life.

 But he was still a very powerful man, with great power that was sought after all over the world.

When dinner ended, the children all went up to bed. Their parents followed them to bid them goodnight. 

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