3. Is it bad to punch your mate in the face....

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Chapter 3:

5 years later:

I'm now living in a two bedroom apartment with a nice older lady. She's nicely let me stay here free of charge and feeds me and even does my laundry. Ok well she sorta doesn't know she's doing it. I've found that I have the power of compulsion like other vampires, so I've just compelled her to let me stay. It's an awesome power, I'm surprised most vamps don't over use it become fucking president of some shit.

Being a hybrid, I have all the powers of both Vampires and werewolves. I am also stronger and faster than any vampire or wolf. 

For the last few years I've traveled around, seeing new places and such. I've stayed in the nicest hotels and have been weighted on hand and foot. Vegas was awesome! But the reason I'm now living with this older lady is I guess because she reminds me of my mom. She's great company and gives me advice from time to time.

My life is better than it ever could have been as a werewolf. I mean I do miss my friends and mother a lot, but things are better this way, for the both of us.

I also found out that my scent isn't just vampire or werewolf. For some reason only a werewolf can smell the wolf on me, and a vampire can smell a vampire on me. It makes my life so much easier because whoever I happen to come in contact with usually excepts me because they think I am of the same race as them.

At the moment I'm thinking of traveling south to Miami for a bit. Yeah pretty stupid for a vampire but hey, there are cute guys and I heard the night life is pumping with clubs and bars. 

A truth about werewolves is that we actually do have mates, or soul mates as there also called. Few ever find their true other half and I don't ever expect to since I'm a hybrid, anyways my life is awesome now. I don't want to have to go through rejection if I do have a mate and they hate that I'm part vampire. 

For the past five years I've been on my own and I'm fine with that, hell I like being alone better than having annoying company all the time. 

Well I did have a buddy a few years ago. That was also the reason I don't hang out with werewolves or vampires, I may be a hybrid but if anyone found out it would just start trouble. My hatred for werewolves has grown though.


We met while in a bar one night. He was a vampire but he seemed fun and I was feeling a bit lonely partying alone. His name was Jack and we became good friends, he was actually the only person other than my mother that knew I was a hybrid. I didn't mean to tell him, he followed me one night when I went into the woods to let my wolf out for a little bit. He took the news of me being a hybrid surprisingly well and our friendship grew. For three years I was happier than ever, but nothing good ever stays for long.

We went to a fancy dinner one night and ate the most expensive things, then we went to a club and partied for awhile. 

We soon got bored of the party scene and took a walk to find some victims to feed from. That's when we were attacked. 

There was eight of them. Tall muscular male werewolves. 

"Well look at this, a vamp and a werewolf," one of them drawled.

My eyes turned red and I hissed menacingly,"Not just a wolf."

The men attacked us, coming from all angles. We easily took down the first four and set about ended the rest of them. 

I let my vampire side take over, ripping them to shreds. I got a bit too into it and start to slowly torture them. I don't even notice how Jack was doing until I hear him yell out in pain.

My Possessive Alpha Mate (Book 1 of the Hybrid Saga)Where stories live. Discover now