8. Plans

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Chapter 8:

Kora's POV:

It's been about a year since I became Dom's second in command. The Vampire King's real name is Dominic, but we have become close friends since I joined him.

He's nothing like what I thought a King would be like. He's actually very caring of his subjects and his kingdom, but he hides it behind a cold exterior which I was able to break through. 

We go on missions to control the werewolf packs, but lately they've be becoming more of a nuisance. We've heard that they are opening up to humans more about themselves and have been targeting vampires. Dom's afraid they might try to start a war between our species. We need to stop them before this gets out of control.


I walk into Dom's study and see him leaning over a map that lays on his desk. He looks up as I walk in and smiles at me. I smile back and walk up next to him and look over the map. Five areas are circled in red, one of the areas is circled multiple times and has a thumbtack in the center of it.

"Are those the packs involved?" I ask

Dom nods,"Yes. From what my sources tell me," he points at the one with the red thumbtack,"They seem to be gathering other wolf packs, and even humans together. A war is mentioned and we can't let that happen."

I glance up at him,"So whats our plan of attack?" I ask.

"We attack the main pack first. Hopefully without the lead pack instigating it, the others will go back to the way things were."

I nod,"So who is the pack that's starting this?" I ask.

"The Bloodstone pack."

My blood runs cold.

Dom lifts his head and looks at me, he frowns,"Kora? You okay?" he asks.

Angry tears fill my eyes and shake my head. 

"Whoa Kora!" he pulls me into a hug,"What's wrong?"

I rap my arms around him and squeeze my eyes shut, I take a deep breath,"That pack murdered my father," I tell him softly.

He pulls back a little so he can look at me, he lifts my chin with his hand,"They will pay for what they did," he promises.

I smile and stare up into his eyes. I then notice how close our faces are getting, I bite my lip and pull back, I clear my throat and avoid his eye contact by looking at the map,"When do we attack?" I ask.

He's quiet a moment,"It's planned to go on at the end of this month. That should give us more than enough time to prepare," he answers me.

I nod and lift my head to look at him, I give him a smile,"Well, than I shall start prepping the guards."

He returns my smile and I leave.

I don't want it to be awkward between us, I really do like him. But having a mate just complicates things, even though I don't want Blake.

I enter the courtyard and walk to my team. My team will be the one's joining Dom and me in the mission. They are the most skilled guards here, even in their small numbers of only twenty, I am confidant they can take on any wolf pack.

Greg is on my team and is also my second in command. We have been partners for the better part of a year, since Dom put me as his second in command and told me to create a elite team of the strongest and most skilled vamps.

"We attack the main pack at the end of this month," I tell my team who are lined up in front of me,"We need to be ready, everything is riding on us, we can't fail."

"Yes General Kora" they all speak in unison.

I smile,"Good, now give me twenty laps."

They take off running. Oh how good it feels to be in charge!


Blake's POV:

Eight years! It's been eight years since my mate left me.

I did everything I could to track her down, I've even started gathering packs together who were nice enough to help me search for her. But we've found nothing. Not even a trace of her.

I went down hill for a few years. I couldn't eat, think. I grew thin, dirty from never taking showers. I let my pack down. They never deserved any of this, they don't deserve a pitiful excuse of an Alpha like me. They need a Alpha and Luna to run the pack, but now they have neither.

After moping around for the first few years I finally came to a thought. Kora was attacked by a vampire while with me, what if she had been taken captive by one or….. or even… No! No she can't be dead, even though our bond was almost nonexistent, I still would've felt it if she died. But that doesn't mean she isn't being held captive. Maybe it was to weaken me, and weaken me it did. I've scoured all over the human and werewolf lands and never found a trace of her. But I never searched the Vampire lands!

After coming up with this last hope to find her, I cleaned myself up and started taken care of my health. I can't save my mate by being weak, now can I.

I try to gather the packs that helped me look for her the first time, to help me search for her in the vampire regions. They are more reluctant to help this time since its such a dangerous thing to do. I don't care though, I will find my mate or die trying.


I sit in my office contemplating my next move. None of the captured vampires gave us any information we could use. We're just searching blind at this moment, attacking vampire clans and hoping to find clues to where my Kora has been taken.

My beta walks in,"What is your next order Alpha?" 

I look up at my ginger haired best friend. He's stayed with me through thick and thin, even when I was at my weakest point, he helped me get back up. I'm sure he thinks i'm nuts for putting our pack at such risk, but he knows that if his mate Kayla went missing, he would do the same to get her back.

"We attack Clan Nightblood by the end of this month."

He nods,"Yes Alpha," he turns to leave but stops,"We will find her, Blake," he assures me. I don't say anything, I just nod and look down at the papers in front of me.

He leaves and I'm left alone with my thoughts once again.


Poor Blake, he knows nothing of what is really going on. Comment and vote if you liked the chapter!




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