Chapter 7

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Kensi and Alexa searched the house, while Sam and Callen talked to the husband.

"Mr. Michaels, can you explain what happened?" Callen asked.

"I already told the other cops. I left for work and when I came home my house was broken into and my wife and son were missing. My wife never went to work and my son never got to school." Michaels said angrily.

"We're going to help you get them back, but you have to tell us why they'd be asking for $100,000." Sam asked politely.

"I don't know. I don't have that kind of money." Michaels replied.

"Is anything that you're working on valuable?" Sam asks.

"No it's just research on... Oh my.,." Michaels runs to his computer.

"What is it?" Callen asks as they follow him.

"I've been researching sleeper agents that have been sent into the US army, Navy, any military we have basically." Michaels replies typing into his computer.

"We're going to need a list of all the ones you busted." Callen said. Michaels nodded and pressed enter. The printer started up. Michaels grabbed the paper and handed it to Callen.

"Thanks." Callen said walking out, while dialing ops.

"We will get them back I promise." Sam said before following his partner.




It took Nell and Eric about 2 seconds to narrow down the list to one person.

The team was now outside the house with SWAT.

"Ready?" Callen asked.

"Ready." Sam replied.

"Ready." Kensi chipped in.

"Ready." Alexa said.

"Move in." Callen said. SWAT and the team moved in on the house .

"Clear." Callen and Sam shouted.

"Over here." Kensi and Alexayelled. Sam and Callen ran over to the room they were in. Alexa had a suspect pinned down.

"Nice, I'll take it from here." Sam smiled grabbing the suspect from her.

"Thank you." Alexa smiled.

One of the SWAT officer came into the room. "We have the mom and son." He said.

"Alright get them to the hospital." Callen told him. The officer nodded. "Let's go get Michaels."

Sam handed the suspect over to another SWAT agent.The team left.




They brought Michaels to the hospital and there were lots of hugs between him, his wife, and son. The team smiled at the sight and then walked off.

"I'm going to check up on Deeks." Callen said. The team nodded.

"Ask him if he wants me to come see him." Alexa said. Callen nodded an walked off.





Callen opens the door to Deeks room. Deeks looks up.

"Oh hey." Deeks sighs.

"You don't look happy to see me." Callen says walking over to him.

"No, I just thought you were my nurse." Deeks laughed. Callen smiled.

"So?" Callen asked.

"So, it's been a long day and I want my sponge bath!" Deeks laughed. Callen shook his head. "But, since that's not going to happen, I thought I'd tell you I would be happy if you married my sister."

Callen looked at Deeks. "Seriously?" He said.

"Seriously." Deeks replied. Callen then embraced him in a hug. "Please let me go." Deeks squirmed.

"Sorry. I just... Thanks." Callen smiled and ran out of the room. He ran down the hall to where Sam, Alexa, and Kensi were waiting. They all stood as he entered.

"Is everything ok?" Kensi and Alexa ask.

"Yea everything's great." Callen smiles. They look at him weird.

"Go for it." Sam smiled taking out his phone. Callen nodded.

"Go for what?" Alexa asked.

Callen kneeled down in front of her.

"Alexa will you marry me?" He asked.


Cliffhanger!!!! don't worry I'll update in a day or two!

Sam's excited!

What do you think Alexa will say?


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