Chapter 6

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Kensi and Alexa walk into the hq gym the next morning to find Sam and Callen wrestling on the mats.

"I didn't know you were that flexible Callen." Kensi laughed.

Callen ha his legs wrapped around Sam, who had Callen's upper body pinned to the ground.

"Haha very funny." Callen replied frowning.

Alexa laughed and walked over to them. She reached out her arms and tickled both Sam and Callen on their sides. They both jerked and Sam fell off Callen.

"I win." Alexa said satisfied as she walked back over to Kensi who was laughing historically.

"That's not fair." Sam says.

"Right? She always does that." Callen agrees. Kensi and Sam stare at him.

"You wrestle your girlfriend?" Kensi asks.

"Not well." Alexa chuckles. Sam laughs.

"Because you cheat." Callen pouts, sitting up.

"Don't be a sore loser now G." Sam laughs also sitting up.

"It's not cheating, it's smart tactics." Alexa replies.

"Whatever." Callen sighs. Kensi, Sam, and Alexa laugh. Nell and Eric walk in.

"Don't tell me your here to use the gym?" Sam laughs.

"Actually, I do use the gym, but no that's not why were here." Eric retorts. "We have a case."

"Seriously." Sam replies.

"Seriously." Nell answers.

"Let's go then." Callen says getting up. Sam gets up. The team walks to ops together.




"So how's Deeks?" Nell asks.

"Doc says he should be able to leave today." Kensi replies.

"Good." Nell smiles.

"Yea, he obviously doesn't take news to well." Alexa laughs. "If you have anything life altering to tell him just write it down."

Everyone laughs.

"Okay so what do we have?" Callen asks.

"Right." Nell starts. "So we have a naval officers wife and son missing. The husband reported it yesterday."

"And the 48 hours?" Alexa asked.

"Doesn't apply anymore. Kidnappers asked for a random." Eric said.

"Which is $100,000 and he obviously doesn't have that." Nell explains.

"So why are they asking?" Kensi asks.

"They must be waiting for something." Alexa replies.

"Yea, but we've been looking through everything he's worked on and there's nothing important." Nell states.

"Maybe it is the money." Sam says. Everyone looks at him. "Maybe he has a stash somewhere that they found out about."

"I'll check into that." Nell says running to her computer.

"Let's go tall to him." Callen says, nodding at Eric. Eric types into his iPad.


Callen, Sam, Alexa, and Kensi walk out of ops.


Sorry if this took to long. I have a cold and a back injury

(let's just say don't fight over fake grass. If you're thrown down onto it you will be severely injured.)

I haven't been able to move for a few days.

I am doing better now and had the chance to write this before class.


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