Six || Flying Too Close to the Sun

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Six || Flying Too Close to the Sun

a/n; Sooo thank you guys for waiting! Will update more soon enough x btw, Hedone = mask + hair color wig(she changes the color of her wig, variety of them); Voluptas = kind of her username on her helping websites

Fleur = her real, natual hair color is blonde 

*note: this is a short story. once i'm done with this one, i'm proceeding to 'Defying Gravity'

thank you c:


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Will was born a romantic. How? He’d compliment me every now and then and I’d just stare at him as if he had grown three heads. Honestly, I wasn’t used to feeling this way. He was intimidating. He was looking through me. And I think he likes what he sees, but I don’t.

My life had been turned upside down in just one night. How could he act carelessly? He knew he’d get all the hates if he was seen with me. How could he simply brush off their stares and still gaze at me with those stupid alluring eyes? He somehow looked like a puppy tailing its owner.

“This play’s going to change your life. Trust me,” he said while we’re eating at the lunch table.

Notice, my table had been for one person only. Nobody ever dared to sit next to me – not even the new transfer students. Only Will.

Everyone was staring at us. I mean, Will was scooting closer to me, crawling his way up to my defenses, something I wasn’t fond of.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I don’t think you should sit here.”

He ran a hand through his messy deep black hair and gave me a fleeting smile. Does this boy ever stop smiling like everything’s okay? “Because you’re Fleur right now?” He smirked. “Or is it because you’re blonde and people think you failed to get in with the popular kids?”

“Both,” I grimaced.

Will seemed to think it through, which was good enough. I didn’t think people could stand the thought of him spending his quality time with me. But no, he had that stubborn side. As fun as he was to flirt with, he wasn’t someone I’d like to incorporate myself with. Elise was right. Will’s a good guy. I tried luring him in to destroy Elise, but it was no use. He would follow me. He wanted to get to know me and I don’t know why.

“Fleur, you only wear that hideous mask and wig whenever there’s an event, yes?” he asked.

I nodded.

“How about you try going to these events with just yourself?”

I laughed sarcastically at him. “You think they won’t mind? I’m Fleur Haley, the greatest loser of all time.”

He stretched out his arm, making me squirm a little. He was French! Everyone would die to have a French guy next to them. And with Will stretching out his arm just to pinch my cheeks made me want to faint. But then I mentally slapped myself out of it. This plan was backfiring.

“I don’t mind.” His eyes stared right at me, and the strength of his shoulders shrugged, as if he really didn’t care what others may think.

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