chapter 5

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It was now 8:00 and just about time for the ball. Atticus put on his deceased father's suit and Cherry flattened the funeral dress. Cinderella was still working on her chores, though she wished her friends good luck and to have fun. Cherry and Atticus went to the stairway and looked down to see Lady Tremaine answer the door. A man came by to pick them up in a horse-drawn chariot and take them to the ball. Cinderella was wearing her usual clothes, unaware of the newly modified dress that her friends made for her. Cinderella came to her.

"Why, Cinderella, you're not ready." Lady Tremaine told her.

"I'm not going." Cinderella stated.

"Not going?" Lady Tremaine smiled at her daughters.

"Not going?" Cherry echoed.

"Well, if Cindy doesn't wanna go then I won't go either!" Atticus declared.

Cherry rolled her eyes at him. "You silly! We got something to give her so she can go with us, REMEMBER!?"

"Oh, yeah I knew that." Atticus smiled sheepishly.

Cherry groaned and shook her head. 

Cinderella came upstairs to them after talking with her family. "You two better get downstairs with Anastasia and Drizella. The chariot will wait for no one."

"We actually have something to show you in the room." Cherry said.

"What?" Cinderella wondered.

"Yeah, come on, you'll love it, trust us!" Atticus added, taking her hand and pulling her in the room.

Cinderella followed the orphans to their room. She was thinking maybe the ball wouldn't be worth it, though she really did want to go. Cherry and Atticus then pulled open the wardrobe doors to show Cinderella her new dress! She couldn't believe it. Cinderella stood up from her bed in surprise and excitement. Maybe now she could go to the ball after all! They had the beads and the sash and all sorts of wonderful modifications! 

"Why, it's my... my..." Cinderella couldn't believe it.

"Surprise, surprise, surprise!" the animals and orphans cheered.

"Happy Birthday!" Gus cheered.

"No, no, no, no!" Jaq groaned at him.

"Well, I've never dreamed of it," Cinderella took the dress with deep emotion. "It's a surprise, oh... How could I ever thank... Thank you so much..."

"Time to party like it's 1599!" Cherry cheered with glee.

Lady Tremaine was wearing her fancy clothes. That was when Anastasia and Drizella came down in their elegant clothes to look their best to impress the prince. Lady Tremaine was about to give instructions to them about being social with royalty, but then Cinderella came downstairs in her new dress. "Wait!" she called. "Please, wait for me!"

"Wait for us!" Atticus added, rushing downstairs with her and Cherry.

"Cinderella!?" Drizella couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"How did!? She can't!" Anastasia was lost for words.

The step-sisters squabbled. They were either just being fools or really jealous of Cinderella. 

"Girls, please," Lady Tremaine hushed them. "After all, we did make a bargain, didn't we, Cinderella? And I never go back on my word. How clever, these beads," the wicked woman looked at them and smirked evilly. "They give it the right touch, don't you think so, Drizella?"

"No, I don't," Drizella turned, crossing her arms. "I think she-" the dark-haired girl then turned back and gasped in suspicion. "Why, you little thief!"

Cherry and Atticus Meet CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now