chapter 2

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Cinderella, Atticus and Cherry went down the stairs to see the new mouse. There were the other mice huddled around the trap looking to see the chubby, naked one inside alone. He looked scared and stunned with everyone staring at him. Jaq ran from them and went inside the trap to comfort the new mouse and make him feel more at home. Cherry and Atticus sat on the stairs and watched. Jaq then made the new mouse comfortable and tell him who his new friends and family were going to be and Cinderella smiled to show the mouse she was friendly and it was all going to be okay now. Once the new mouse was comfortable, Cherry and Atticus came to meet him with Cinderella.

"Now, that's better," Cinderella smiled, placing the mouse's new shirt on. Though Cinderella expected a slimmer mouse, the shirt was snug, but still comfortable and now he had a new hat and shoes. "It's a little snug, but it'll have to do now. Now for a name."

"Name him Atticus the Brave!" the boy orphan bragged.

"That's stupid!" Cherry shoved him.

"Cinderella, Cherry called me stupid again!" Atticus growled.

"Now, stop that you two, I already have a name for him," Cinderella tutted at them, then focused back on the chubby mouse. "Octavius, but for short, we'll call you Gus."

"How do you get Gus from that?" Cherry raised an eyebrow.

"Like it, Gus-Gus?" Jaq asked his new friend. "Like it? Like it?"

"Uh, Gus-Gus, yeah!" the chubby mouse nodded happily.

"Now, we've got to hurry," Cinderella went to the steps. "See that he stays out of trouble, Jaq."

"Don't forget to warn him about that nasty cat." Cherry added, warning. She then followed Cinderella and Atticus up the steps to serve Lady Tremaine and her daughters.

Every morning Cinderella, Cherry and Atticus had to go to the kitchen to make breakfast for the household. Cinderella then went to Lady Tremaine's bedroom to get Lucifer, the family cat. Cherry hated cats with a passion and Lucifer was no exception. Not to mention cats hated her all the time like it was a law of nature. Luckily Cinderella had Atticus and Cherry to help her with her daily chores so it wouldn't be a whole lot of work. Cherry saw that Cinderella came back with Lucifer and Bruno.

"Good dog!" Cherry smiled, petting Bruno, then glared at Lucifer. "Bad cat!"

"Now, Cherry..." Cinderella said, lightly.

Cherry sighed, but continued her gaze at Lucifer. The coal black cat glared at her back and hissed. Cinderella poured from a bottle to get milk for Lucifer for his breakfast and went to make her step-family some breakfast. The orphans then cringed as their names were called. Cinderella hated them, but tried to not make a big fuss over it so she wouldn't get in any sort of trouble. 

"I'll take step-mother." Cinderella said.

"I'll take Anastasia." Atticus volunteered.

"Dang, that means I got Drizella!" Cherry groaned in misfortune.

"Sucks to be you!" Atticus teased.

"That's it! He dies!" Cherry chased him with a breakfast fork.

"Now, both of you stop that!" Cinderella scolded. "I know this is rough, morning, noon and night, but you should be thankful that my step-mother and father took you both in. Come on, we got work to do."

"Yes, Cinderella." Atticus and Cherry sighed.

"Cinderella!" the girls called from upstairs.

"We're coming!" Cinderella snapped, then sighed to get in a better mood.

Cherry and Atticus Meet CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now