Chapter 109

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The Secretary-General of the Entrepreneurs Association proposed next Monday as the date for the formal signing of the contract.

After GuQingPei received the notice, he called YuanYang and asked if the funds are in place.

YuanYang, "The bank should be able to allocate funds sometime before next week."

"Is your guaranteed agreement signed?"

"I haven't received a confirmation date for this yet. I will be signing the agreement with XX Group tomorrow. With their guarantee, there will be no problem with the bank's funding."

"You really do have ability. Even XX Group dared to guarantee such a large loan for you."

"I've collaborated with them before and it was a very profitable joint venture."

"That's good."

As YuanYang was talking on the phone, he thought of GuQingPei's faint frown and engrossed pondering expression, warm currents started to rise up in his heart, "Are you happy?"


"If this project is a success and you make a lot of money, would you be happy?"

"Why wouldn't I be happy?"

"Then that's good."

GuQingPei paused, "YuanYang, what is it you want to say?"

"You use to always resent me for always making you upset, causing you troubles. Now, I can finally make you happy for once."

GuQingPei gently laughed, "You don't think that you make me angry and give me troubles now?"


"You've also made me happy before," GuQingPei said quietly.

YuanYang was shocked. His voice slightly trembled, "What do you mean?"

GuQingPei rubbed his eyebrows and realized that he'd slipped-up. His voice returned to normal, "It's nothing. Anyways, I have a meeting. After the funding is in place, let me know."

"Wait a minute!" YuanYang called out, "GuQingPei, I originally don't want to ask you this on the phone.....have you ever had me in your heart?"

GuQingPei took a slow deep breadth; his voice stuck in his throat and couldn't swallow.

"You've never said it."

"You asking this.... what meaning is there? Don't you hate me for dumping you? Aren't you planning on getting married and giving me an invitation? What's the point of tangling the past?"

YuanYang slowly asked, "GuQingPei, are you jealous?"

"I don't have time to continue on with this senseless topic. If there are no other important matters, don't call me." After he finished talking, he hung up the phone without hesitation. Closing his eyes, he pressed his temple for a long time.

For him, YuanYang's issues are far more troublesome and makes him more mentally exhausted than any of his most difficult work. With work, he only needed to dedicate brainpower, but with YuanYang he had to......

When GuQingPei got off work, it was almost nine o'clock. Rarely does he not have any other social commitments so he had planned on going home to take a shower and then go to sleep. It's been so busy during this time that everyone's been worn out.

Parking in the underground parking lot, he opened the trunk, intending to take out the dry-cleaned suit from his secretary. At this time, he felt some very slight footsteps behind him.

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