Chapter 10-18 Summaries

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Complete translations for these chapters can be found on wattpad.

Chapter 10

The chapter starts with the time going a bit backyard. 

GuQingPei finishes dinner with ZhaoYuan and takes her home. 

ZhaoYuan informs GuQingPei that she had met a man (boyfriend) and GuQingPei is happy for her. 

GuQingPei's relationship with men is discussed. 

He had tried to be involved in relationships with other men but they were all under secrecy due to his initial struggle with the realization of his sexual orientation.

He had confessed to his parents of the reasoning for his divorce. 

His sexual orientation is disclosed to them and his parents are understanding and accepting.

GuQingPei had come to accept himself as a gay man and had a few lovers that came and went. 

On this night, upon hearing about his ex-wife's relationship, he also felt lonely. So he decided to go to a gay bar to relax and also see if he could find a boy to his liking for a one-night stand. 

The bartender helped GuQingPei find a suitable boy of his "type."

This young boy is 21 years old, a student and is a money boy (male prostitute). They had an agreement and decided to go to a hotel to spend the night. 

The two head to GuQingPei's car but suddenly YuanYang appears and flings the boy to the side. 

GuQingPei wanted to take the boy and leave but YuanYang adamantly refuses to let GuQingPei get into his own car. 

They get into some verbal sarcasm spat. YuanYang knew exactly what GuQingPei was up to. 

GuQingPei is also aware that YuanYang now know of his sexual orientation. 

YuanYang makes it sound as though GuQingPei belongs to him and shoves the boy away. The boy got scared and flees.

Chapter 11

After the boy leaves, GuQingPei and YuanYang got into more mocking, satirical, verbal spat where GuQingPei essentially tells YuanYang that if he was planning on using this to threaten him, he might as well save it and even dares YuanYang to spread the news that he's gay, calling YuanYang a coward.

YuanYang is furious and storms off. 

GuQingPei considers his current situation having YuanYang find out about sexual his orientation and is a bit worried. 

GuQingPei goes home in a bad mood. He is determined to show YuanYang that he didn't care about this matter to prevent YuanYang from using it to threaten him. 

Meanwhile YuanYang goes back into the bar and his friends realize his darkened gloomy mood. PengFang ask him out for a chat. 

YuanYang told PengFang that the person he saw earlier was his boss, GuQingPei who has been trying to suppress him to no end. 

PengFang asked YuanYang what he plans to do upon finding out that said boss is gay. 

YuanYang plans on finding a money boy to do a short (porno) film with GuQingPei. 

PengFang offers up YuanYang himself for the role, which pisses YuanYang off.

YuanYang's viewpoint of homosexuality is provided. 

While he's not adverse to homosexuality, he can't see himself being gay.

PengFang kept fanning the flames, even giving YuanYang the twisted thought that GuQingPei might be into him (YuanYang). 

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