Chapter 76

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When YuanYang returned home, his dad was not home.

His brother and sister looked at him strangely, not knowing what was happening.

WuJingLan had just came down the stairs and saw her son seething in rage, like Rakshasa(T/N) fiercely rushing into the house. Surprised, "What's going on with you?"

T/N: Rakshasa- demon in Buddhism

YuanYang clenched his fists and asked, "Where's dad?"

"Went to Guangzhou for work."

"When is he coming back?"

"I don't know," WuJingLan strolled over to him, bunching up her brows looking at him, "What's wrong? What's going on with you and your dad? He puts on this gloomy face all day long, making the atmosphere at home so awful. Then you don't even come home and when you do, it's with this attitude. I'm your mom, what is it that you have to hide from me?"

YuanYang looked at WuJingLan and hoarsely responded, "Mom, I like a man, will you be able to accept that?"

WuJingLan's eyes widened, "What are you saying?"

YuanGeng instantly jumped up and grabbed onto YuanYang from behind, "Ge, do you have a fever, let's go in the room and lay down for a while."

This half-size kid, who had almost reached YuanYang's shoulders, has some strength, but it is insignificant in YuanYang's eyes. He gently flung his arm, casting YuanGeng to a side, "I don't have a fever. Mom, this is the problem between dad and me. I didn't want to tell you, but you will know sooner or later because dad would rather let everyone know!" YuanYang gritted his teeth.

WuJingLan knitted her brows and stared at him for a long while.

The Yuan family members knew that WuJingLan's temper was even greater than YuanLiJiang. The average man won't dare provoke her. YuanYang had already been prepared for his mother to lose her temper. Right now, he's not afraid of anything. He would rather that all the anger be vented toward him. Even if he can help GuQingPei evade a little bit, he will bear it.

This is what a man should do.

WuJingLan raised her chin, "Come with me to the study room," Then, she pointed to YuanGeng and YuanYing, "You two go to your room and do your homework."

YuanYang followed WuJingLan upstairs. After closing the door, WuJingLan slapped him on the face. YuanYang's face snapped to the side, but there is no fluctuation in his expression.

WuJingLan folded her hands on her chest as stared at him, "Is it GuQingPei?"

YuanYang's eyebrows raised, "You guessed it?"

"I just had a big argument with your dad because of GuQingPei's dismissal. The reason he gave me can fool others, but far from fooling me. I have always wondered why. Now everything from before and after makes sense. I've suddenly figured it out."

YuanYang raked through his hair with his hand, "It is GuQingPei." He looked up at WuJingLan, "Mom, don't try to reason with me. Dad has already said enough. Nothing you say will matter. I love him. I only have him in my eyes, only him."

WuJingLan glanced at him coldly, "You have some guts. I knew long ago that the Yuan family couldn't count on a wastrel like you to carry on the ancestral line."

YuanYang indifferently responded, "You still have YuanGeng. Don't force me. It's useless."

"Then what is going on with you and your dad right now?"

YuanYang lowered his head, speechless.

WuJingLan raised her voice, "What is going on? He fired GuQingPei and it got you this enraged? Aren't you taking this a bit too far? GuQingPei is a go-getting enthusiast, he can manage fine wherever he goes."

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