Prologue and Ch 1

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  Living Between Hope and darkness


The girl screams at the monster to slow down as he is driving way too fast and takes another swig of beer,but he yells"shut up". Tears roll down the girls face as she prays to God for her parents to be okay and for him to save her. Her hands and feet are tied as she bounces back and forth as the monster keeps driving even faster. Rain is pelting harder against the truck window as thunder booms ahead. The girl prays that the police could find her soon and that she could be reunited with her parents. Suddenly glass shatters as the truck collides into another car and rolls several times. The monster is unconscious. Pain fills her whole body as everything is blurry. I hope mom and dad are okay."God please let them be okay and send someone to save me.I want to go home.God please help me,"I pray to God silently in my head.I think of all the people he has blessed me with and what I would want to say to them if I don't make it out of here alive.I would want them to know that I love them very much especially my parents. My head throbs as things become blurry. Everything goes dark after that.

Ch 1 Miracle- Megan

It's almost the end of June already. Tonight we just got home from our trip from my sisters cabin in Coeur D'alene. Its Monday and we stayed there from Thursday and left this morning on Sunday. It was a lot of fun and our two kids got to ride a horse for the first time. It was also nice to reconnect with my sister Eleanor who is three years older than me. It's close to ten thirty now,but I can't stop thinking about all the fun things we did as a family. Our daughter Tara who is thirteen and our son Kyle who is six are already in bed now. They are growing up way too fast. My husband Toby even went to bed. I just got finished taking a nice hot shower and changed into clean pajamas.

I'm so tired also, but I can't stop thinking about this girl Mavis from our church Vineyard Christian Fellowship. I met her two years ago working with her Friday nights at Celebrate Recovery with the Celebration Place kids who are in elementary. We started hanging out together more outside of church and she became close to me. She even considers me an aunt and I love that she calls me Aunt Megan. She has been through a lot over the last couple years,but it has been a blessing to support her and help her bring her closer to God. I consider her a niece to me even though we aren't blood related and I believe God put her in my life for a special reason. My best friend Meagan and I both work at an office for health insurance. She is one of the Landing youth leaders Friday nights at church and was the one who first invited me to go to the Vineyard. Mavis actually knew her before me since she went to to the Landing in junior high and high school and is close to her also. This month was also Mavis's 18th birthday and we went to her birthday party and celebrated it with her. Earlier this week we got an amber alert that Mavis was kidnapped and we saw on the news that her parents tragically died in a car accident. Her parents were such wonderful people. It breaks my heart for her and I keep hoping and praying for God to watch over her. For Mavis to be found safe and sound soon. I trust God that he will watch over my beautiful sweet niece. If she is found its going to be a tough transition for her without her parents and will need someone to take care of her. I've talked over this with Toby and he is fine with Mavis staying at our home. The kids love having her around. I want to take care of her and be there for her every step of the way even though she still has her grandparents and other family members. She told me before that if anything happened to her parents that she would want me to take care of her even though she still loves her own family. She chose me to be her godmother. I turn on the late night channel seven news hoping that there will be some good news. I keep praying over and over to God for her to be found safe. Suddenly there is breaking news and I begin turning up the volume as the lady says that police found Mavis in a car accident with her kidnapper who got taken into custody and sent to prison. Mavis was transported to St. Luke's hospital with sustained injuries and is in critical condition a few hours ago. "Thank you Jesus," I say out loud with tears of joy as I cry and thank God. I quickly turn off the TV and go to change into a bra, T shirt and jeans. I slip on a sweatshirt also. I wake up Toby and tell him the great news.

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