Chapter Four

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You sat down at the kitchen table, gazing over your wedding planning supplies.Justin's words haunted your memory. You knew he had a point, but you could not help but be a bit skeptical. Justin has always been a good manipulator to get his way. He has proven that he only comes around for Jocelyn's sake, but he makes sure you are safe as well. After all, you are the mother of his child.

Justin drove home in frustration. Your words kept replaying in his mind. He wanted to be the father Jocelyn needed in her life. He always watched over her. He would drive to her school everyday to make sure she would get on the school bus okay. He also visited her at night at times to make sure she slept soundly. Of course, he made sure you did not know of that, but he was around more than you were aware of. 

Justin has always been good at turning his emotions off and pushing them deep down to the depths of nowhere. He was also a good actor, but the one thing he could not fake was his love for his daughter. He stayed away to protect her. Also, Ashton would have Justin locked up as soon as he witnessed his presence.

Justin parked his car in the school parking lot. The school bell rang and a flood of elementary kids ran out to get on the bus. Justin's eyes stayed peeled for Jocelyn. She was so small and fragile. She easily blended in with the bigger kids. 

Like clockwork, Jocelyn ran out the doors with her best friend to climb onto the school bus. Justin smiled at the sight. That was his whole world. Seeing her smile and enjoy the innocence of being a young child was all Justin truly wanted for her.

Justin began driving home. Jessica was not aware of where he goes, but she also knew better than to ask. Justin does not enjoyed being questioned and he made sure everyone around him know so.

Pulling into the six car garage, Justin parked his all black 2019 Mustang and went inside the house. Jessica was awaiting his arrival. She made lunch for him as she usually did. 

"Hi babe." Jessica greeted with a wide grin.

Justin faked a smile.

"Hello, beautiful. Thank you for lunch."

"You're welcome. How was work?"

Justin sat down at the table and took a sip of his ice cold water.

"It was good."

Jessica smiled.


Justin started eating his sandwich, not wanting to carry on the conversation. Jessica sat by her man, adoring his features. Justin worried that she'll find out about his secret of taking care of Jocelyn, but they don't call him Ghost for nothing. After all, a ghost can also be a demon and Justin was pretty good at being both.

"Justin, I want a child."

Justin almost choked on his sandwich.

"What? Why?"

"Because I want a family with you. Why can't you give me that?"

"Because my lifestyle isn't made for children."

Jessica crossed her arms across her chest.

"Then why do you have a child with Y/N?"

"That wasn't planned and look what happened. If you get pregnant, I'll have to leave you behind too."

"But Justin-"


Tears filled Jessica's eyes as she got up and ran upstairs. Justin did not bother to chase after her. He did not like hurting her feelings, but he was being honest. Children is not made for this lifestyle and never will be. Though, Justin would be lying if he said he never wanted the traditional family you see in the movies. However, he did not want a family with Jessica. He wanted to be a happy family with you.

Poltergeist ☾ j.b. & you **DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now