1. The Beggining

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Anything in italics is something Y/n is thinking.

Example: He's kinda cute...wait what? What am I thinking?!



You walked towards the bridge, rain pouring down heavily as the only light there was to guide you was the moonlight.

You had no umbrella, your clothes completly soaked as you shivered.

You walked into the bridge and stopped for a minute.

You observed the rain drops falling onto the river underneath.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps near you.

You looked in the direction where the footsteps were coming from.

Huh? Did the rain stop?

The raindrops were still falling onto the river.

You looked behind you to see a tall man, wearing a large black coat, hoodie underneath and black pants.

(A/n: If you want a better understanding of what Y/n is seeing this scene is the chapter pic, so yeah.)

He had blonde hair and his bangs covered his eyes.

He took off his black coat and put it on you.

"Thanks..." You said, a slight shade of red covering your cheeks as you put it on.

"Why don't you ever talk to me? Say something? You haven't told me your name. I don't even know if you're actually looking at me either since I haven't even seen your eyes." You said him, curiously.

He just smiled at you.

You sighed and smiled.

"It's okay." You said, smiling at him.

He came closer to you.

Your face now inches away from his.

He started coming even closer.

He then kissed your forehead.


Your eyes suddenly shot open.

You were breathing heavily due to the sudden shock wave your heart and mind just sent to wake you up.

It was him again. Why is he always in my dreams? Who even is he?

You had been seeing that Blondie in your dreams ever since you moved to Seoul from Busan with your siblings.

You talked to your best friend about it, but she couldn't do anything about it either.

She was still in Busan anyway.

All she said was, "Maybe he's someone you're destined to meet and maybe after you moved to Seoul, you got closer to him and that's why you're seeing him in your dreams."

Great help that was...

You looked up to see your dog, Kookie (this character has been named after the author's dog Kookie who is a black female labrador RIP), slightly shift on your bed.

You got out of your bed.

As you were about to wear your furry flip flops, you saw your cat, Snowball (character named after author's cat Snowball who is a white female persian), sleeping on them.

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