Taking What's His - Chapter 26

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{ Delilah's POV }

I tried pushing him away. I struggled feebly in his arms, sobbing, wishing desperately to be anywhere but here. I didn't want him to kill me. Any other way would be preferable; to die by his hand would be unbearable. Not because I was certain it would hurt, or because I knew he would drink every last drop from my body.

No, it was because of the way he held me now, desperately trying to hold himself back from even the smallest of taste of my blood that covered him. His eyes held undeniable hunger, but at the same time a compelling sadness that pained me, unlike the flesh wounds I now harbored. He wouldn't forgive himself if he killed me. Not now, not ever.

"Let me go--let me go!" I cried, trying to push him from me. A low growl sounded in his throat, almost like a cry was bubbling up, waiting to be heared. His grip on me tightened, and his head dipped, lips drawing close to my neck. I could feel each breath of his on my skin, and it seemed as though all my pain had vanished.

The whole world was holding its breath, waiting to see what he would do. I felt certain that it was going to be my end, and I harbored a thought at the front of my mind, compelling him to hear what my lips could not speak. It's not your fault. And it wasn't. I couldn't blame him for what he was, or what he was about to do. I closed my eyes, silencing my whimpers and cries and waiting for him to end it.

"Delilah...I'm not going to hurt you."

* * * * *


Boom bitches.

Two chapters published at once. Short, but they are chapters nonetheless. I hope you're all happy.

So yeah, I'm just laying back in bed, twirling my imaginary mustache and thinking back to all those people who commented that they didn't like Ashton.

Well, what do you think of him now? *wiggles eyebrows*

Hope you enjoyed, and until next time!


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