Chapter 18 [ Change His Mind ]

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Minho asked to meet up with him at the model agency xx.
As I went there the staff told me he is in the dressing room so I waited for him to finish.
As I waited while looking at my cellphone, a strange man came by and approached me, as soon as I realized the strange man was Jonghyun he was upclose.

"Hey sweetheart.." he chuckled
I quickly got up and walked away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back
"Don't make me scream" I said
He smirked and replied in a soft voice "I came by to say hi.. why do you seem surprised? It is just between me and you"
"Get lost" I said in anger
He let go of my hand "I can make you change your mind just like I changed his" he chuckled then walked away
'What does he mean by that?' I thought to myself

After waiting abit, Minho came.
"Hey Y/N, did you just arrived?"
"Kind of yes"
"That's good then, let's go have a lunch together" Minho smiled.
With a bitter smile, I smiled back.

As we sat down for lunch, he noticed I didn't look like I have an appetite, he layed his hand on mine as he looked at me with concern.

"What's the matter?"
"I just didn't like how I met him again"
He sat up straight as he looked a little upset
"What did he do again?!"
"He just said a few things and I dislike it"
"I will see him" he said as his eyes starts to have a vengeful look
"I will see him.. tonight"
"What for?!"
"I will make sure he gets his hands off you. I will make sure he listens"
"No, you don't have to do that, just let him be, he will stop if we just ignore him"
"No, he won't, let me handle this" Minho got up and walks away without even turning back

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