Chapter 14 [ A Visit?! ]

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Minho came back home as I was watching TV
“Y/N I'm home” he said as he walked to the living room where I am watching TV
“Welcome back home Minho, come here, let's watch” I pat the space next to me
Minho put his bag down and sat next to me, exhausted

“...Y/N” he looked at me
“Yes Minho?” I looked back at him
“How did we meet?” he asked
“We met in the bus, why'd you ask? Do you remember something?”
“Well.. I don't know.. I'm not sure.. but I do felt strange when I'm on the bus but I can't recall”
“It's okay Minho, we can go through this slowly, take your time” I smiled at him
He nodded “I hope I'll remember soon.. by the way, tomorrow I'll be going to see my family so I'll come home kinda late for your info”
“Oh.. okay um sure, your family invited you?”
“Yes they did” he smiled then patted my lap “I'll go to bed now, goodnight~” he got up
“Goodnight.. Minho” I said as he went to his room

The next morning Minho shook me to wake me up
“Y/N, Hey, wake up”
I sit up slowly and rub my eyes “mhm.. yes..”
“My dad wants to meet you too so you should get dressed and come along with me”
I got shocked and made me wide awake “Your dad wanna meet me? He knows about me? Why?” so many questions run through my mind at once
“I don't know but he said he wanna see you, I told to my brother about you like the other day or so and I think he told dad about it so yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine” Minho chuckled and patted my head “Come on, get dressed, I'll wait for you”
“Mhm okay~” I got up and get prepared

After getting dressed, we hopped on the bus together to head to his parents place
“Oh?” Minho exclaimed “I feel strange again at this atmosphere”
I looked at him “Do you remember something?”
“Mhm.. not quite.. ah..”
“It's okay, take your time” I smiled at him as I rub his back “No worries Minho” he nodded at me as he rub his forehead, faced down

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