Chapter 15 [ Don't Make Him Remember ]

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At Minho's parents place..
I never thought I'd be here, I felt nervous, alot of thoughts run through my mind

“Y/N..” someone called out to me and I snapped out of it and looked at him
“Are you okay Y/N?” Minho asked quietly as we are sitting at the dining table with his parents around, eating
“Aa..aahhh.. yes I'm okay” I stuttered and smiled awkwardly

His dad looked at me and asked “So.. you know my son for a long time now” I looked backed at him and said “Yes I do” he nodded then continued eating
After a meal, Minho's mom cleaned up the table, Minho helped and followed his mom to the kitchen, I wanted to go along but then his dad called me “Y/N I'd like to talk to you, shall we take a walk outside?”
I nodded “S.. sure”

We took a stroll outside as we talked, he asked about how me and Minho met and why'd he forget about me
“So.. what's your purpose of helping him remember?”
“To remember me” I replied
He stopped walking and looked at me, I stopped too and looked back at him
“My son disliked me before, now.. he doesn't seem to recall the moments I've made him dislike me, I'm trying to make things right between me and him”
“Why are you telling me this Mr. Choi?”
“Don't let him remember.. please”
“I.. I will think about it, I'll try”
“I don't mean to be against his decisions but it's just.. I didn't want him to join in for a reason, I hope he understands one day”
“He will understand someday, I'm sure he will, he just needs time”

After a talk, me and Minho headed home
“So.. what did my dad talked to you about?”
“Hm.. we just talked about how me and you met and how things are between me and you and so on”
“Ahh..” Minho smiled at me “Thanks for coming with me Y/N”
I smiled too “Don't need to thank me”

As we are walking back home, I suddenly slip and almost fell but then Minho caught me in his arms before I did happen to fall
“Are you alright?” Minho asked
“Y..yes a..ahh” I exclaimed as I felt pain cause of an ankle sprain
“You are not alright, your heels broke”
Minho bend down in front of me with his back faced at me “Come on, I'll carry you home”
I exclaimed in pain as I placed my arms around his neck lightly and Minho placed his arms around my legs then lift me up as I piggyback
“Th..Thank you Minho.. I'm sorry about this”
“It's okay, I'll take you home, we're almost near”

After we reached home, he put me down on the sofa gently then knelt down in front of me and take my sandals off and set it down
“Lay down and rest” Minho suggested
I layed down slowly, he gently grabbed my foot that is sprained and puts a pillow under it then gently placed my foot down on the pillow
“I'll grab some ice okay?”
I nodded

He grabbed some ice and placed it in a cloth then placed the ice on my sprained ankle gently, I exclaimed a little in pain and felt the coldness
Minho smiled at me “It's alright, have some rest now till you get well soon” he assured “Goodnight”
“Goodnight” he responded and tucks me in a blanket before heading in to his room

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