Chapter 11 [ You Are Not Who I Think You Are ]

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After a long night wait, I fell asleep on the chair, exhausted

I woke up as I felt someone sat next to me "Hey" Yuna said and smiled slightly then she passed me a cup of coffee "Here, this will make you stay up a little better"
"Thanks" I grabbed the cup of coffee she gave to me, she had another cup off coffee in her other hand for herself
We both took a sip after blowing the heat off abit

"I have a question... I never talked about this or asked Minho about it cause he never talks about it but now i wonder, where is his parents? Family?, Do you know about this?" I asked Yuna out of curiosity

She looked at me after taking a sip of coffee and replied "He doesn't have a good relationship with his father, his father is a soccer coach and he wanted to control his dream, who he wanted to be, his mom wasn't against him but she wanted him to listen to his dad for the best of him, Minho then took this Modelling occupation that his friend is working at too cause he wanted to have his own place without depending on his dad, he got the place and started drifting apart from his family"

"Ahh..but.. doesn't he have interest in soccer? Sports?"

"Yes he does, actually.. honestly he loves playing Soccer and he works hard but his dad puts him in a lot pressure and he dislikes that, he wanted to be free from all that trouble"

"Ahh.. is he the only child?"
"No he isn't.. he have one brother but they don't keep in contact much cause he is mostly busy with his dad business"
"No silly, his dad has a business too besides being a coach for Soccer but he pass the business onto his son, not Minho of course. His dad focuses on coaching Soccer now"
"Ahh.. I see.." I nodded
"Minho isn't a bad person from what you hear or see from all this, he is actually a good person but.. I think he is just lost"
I nodded "yeah.. I hope he wakes up soon"

Siting by his side bed
Minho suddenly twitched his fingers slightly
I looked at him closely "Minho?"
He started opening his eyes slowly, slightly "Ugh.." he exclaimed
"Doctor! Nurse! He is awake!" I shouted and walked out to get someone to check on him

After the doctor checked on him, he asked Minho "Minho, can you hear me?"
He nodded slightly with his eyes slightly open
"You got into a car accident, you are now in xxxxx hospital but no worries, you will recover well after a month or so, for now take a rest and we will come back in another hour to check on you"
Minho nodded slightly
The doctor then turned to me "He is doing fine so far, he just needs rest" he said to me then turned to Minho and smiled "Alright Minho, you rest well okay, I will get going" the doctor bowed
I bowed along then he walked away

"Hey Minho.. um.. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong or said anything wrong to you.. I am really sorry" I said
Minho looked at me weakly then stuttered "Wh.. Who are you?"

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