ONE-Illness & Illusions

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Chapter - One | Illness and Illusions

October 5th, 2014.
Vernal High School,

"Miss Thompson! Are you paying attention?"

Elizabeth looked up to see Mr. Meyers scowling at her. "" She said.

"Well if you don't think that Shakespeare is to your taste, why don't you go pay a visit to the Principal's office?"

Elizabeth couldn't believe he was punishing her, after all half the class was fast asleep. But her old English teacher had something against her she never could understand what.

She was not going to give him the satisfaction of pleading her case. She already had one lecture this morning she wasn't quite ready for a second one. So Elizabeth gathered her things and stood trying to ignore the snickers and comments from the other students.

She tried to go past her teacher towards the door, but suddenly she stopped. It couldn't be. For a moment there she could have sworn Mr. Meyers' eyes changed color. Where they were once a dull brown, they had become a light grey ringed with blue.

But then he blinked and it was gone. "Can I help you with something, Miss Thompson?" He asked almost innocently but Elizabeth noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes. He shooed her towards the door and just like that she found herself going towards the principal's office.

She leaned against one of the lockers trying to make sense of what just happened. She wasn't going crazy that was for certain. So had she really seen his eyes change color? Something tugged on the back of her mind. Almost like a memory that was trying to break free. The world started to spin and she found herself growing dizzier. In a matter of seconds it was impossible to tell which way was up.

The nurse's office. She knew it was just a few doors down. If only she could make it. She used all her willpower to put one foot in front of the other but it was no use. She found herself falling.

She felt weightless as the ground raced towards her. Even before she felt the impact all had gone black. She couldn't hear. She couldn't see. She felt nothing as she lay there, consumed by a never ending darkness.


Pain, that was all she felt. Her senses were numb, her limbs felt like lead. She was dead; dead and probably in hell. That would explain why some blacksmith had mistaken her poor skull for an anvil and the smell of carbolic acid that assailed her senses.

"Oh God, please don't let it be a hospital!"

Elizabeth bolted upright and instantly regretted it as a sharp pain shot through her head. She lay back down and took deep breaths, trying to soothe the pain that now resonated through her. After a few minutes, it receded enough for her to open her eyes and look around. She observed her surroundings and sighed in relief.

She was not in a hospital but was currently in the nurse's office at Vernal High. So she had made it.

Elizabeth looked around at the small sunlit room. She had been here before but it was the first time she actually took the time to study it. The walls were painted a dark shade of green; the color one would associate with forests. The wall to Elizabeth's right was actually a huge window, the curtains parted, bathing the room in sunlight. There were only a few small beds, the nurse's table and some medicine cabinets. 

She sat up slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements and reached for her cell. To her surprise there were several messages. She propped her head against the head board and started to read. The first one was from her friend Angelina.

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