SEVENTEEN-Praestitor & Paries

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Chapter -- Seventeen | Praestitor and Paries

October 12th, 2014.
White Oak Hall,

Their priority was to get away, as far away as possible. But Angelina's condition made Elizabeth nervous. Even though Eric had assured them that she'll be alright Elizabeth wasn't convinced but right now they had to get out of the house that had been her friends' prison for so long.

Finding their way out was harder than getting in. But after a few wrong turns they found the open back door. She breathed a sigh of relief as they stepped out of the shadow of the gloomy house. The place was enchanted of that she was sure. She could almost feel the magic in the air. Elizabeth shivered as a chill crept down her spine.

We will meet again young praestitor. The voice was low and almost seemed to have come from within her very being. It was soft and female but also had an edge to it as if it wasn't really human.

Elizabeth stopped in her tracks and almost tumbled over as Anna bumped into her. She mumbled a soft apology as she tried to get her balance back. She shook her head vigorously and the low mumbles slowly faded but the episode had rattled her. She hadn't heard voices since the day her friends were kidnapped. But this voice sounded different from the one that had urged her to hurry. At the moment she could care less. Her friends were alive and that's all that mattered.

As the real world slowly came back into focus she noticed Char and Emilia running towards them. Emilia engulfed both her and Anna in a hug and as soon as Char was close enough pulled her in too. "I missed all of you so much. You do know that there is a limit to the amount of Char's moodiness that I can take right? I swear a few more days and I would have had a permanent scowl etched on my features too." Emilia said as she moved a little back.

Char just rolled her eyes and Anna giggled. It was nice to see some of the tension leaving Anna's features and Elizabeth was glad to see all of them together again. She looked over her shoulder at Eric who stood patiently behind them with Angie in his arms. Seeing her friends lifeless form made her feel guilty somehow as if she had caused it. As if she was the reason Angie wasn't on her own two feet laughing in relief alongside them. Elizabeth shook the ridiculous thought and turned back towards her friends. 

It took a little while for her to get her bearings but as soon as she did she started leading her friends around the side of the house. They didn't know when Mrs Richards would be back but she wasn't going to stick around and find out. As they made their way to Eric's car, Emilia asked question after question and Elizabeth tried to answer them as best as she could. Anna hugged herself as she silently strode along side them. And Char was as calm and emotionless as ever.

When they reached the car they helped Eric get Angelina into the back seat. Anna also got in and cradled Angie's head in her lap. It was then that they realized that they couldn't possibly all get into the car.

"What now?" Emilia asked. She was twirling a strand of her hair around her finger, a nervous habit that she had had for as long as Elizabeth could remember. It was nice to see her friends again but they all seemed different. She had almost cried in relief when she heard Emilia answer her calls but now as her friend stood looking lost, Elizabeth didn't know what to do or say.

"First things first. We need a place to go and regroup. Angie needs medical attention and I'm certain Mrs Richards isn't going to let us go all that easily." Char spoke up. At the sound of her voice the wooden creature that her friends had apparently befriended swooped down towards her. It tucked its wings close to its body but right before it reached Char it opened them wide and landed gracefully on her outstretched arm.

Elizabeth wondered how she had gotten it. It was a magnificent creature but strange all the same. "I offer you my estate to stay at as I understand you can't go home." Eric who had been rather silent up till now, spoke up.

"Fine. What's it called?" Char asked. Elizabeth was almost ready to rebuke her for being so blunt but before she could Char had already moved towards the driver seat. The eagle took off again and flew in circles above the car.

"It's only a few miles from town. The estate is called Paries. It's a hard place to find so why don't we rendezvous? Elizabeth and I will follow you in another car so you can wait at the pass that leads towards Kenford. From there I'll lead the way." Eric said as he handed the keys over to Charlotte. 

"We will find it by ourselves don't worry." Char had already slipped into the drivers seat and was buckling on the set belt. Emilia had gotten into the passenger seat as well.

Soon enough her friends were pulling out of the driveway with their wooden guardian watching over them as it soared through the clouds.

"I'm guessing she doesn't take kindly to being told what to do," Eric said. It was more of a statement than a question but Elizabeth still felt the need to answer. They had started their walk towards the Cunningham residence to get another car.

"Charlotte? No she likes to be the one giving orders." Elizabeth wished her friends would reach their destination safely. She had lost them once she didn't know what she was going to do if she lost them again.

Something in Elizabeth told her that it wasn't over. No this was just the start of their adventure. But Elizabeth hoped that they would all make it out with their friendship intact. It was going to be a hard battle but together she knew they could win. After all when they were together they were invincible.

End of book 1
Authors note:
OMG I can't believe the book is finally complete originally I hadn't planned on finishing it here but while I was writing it I realized that it was a good way to end the book and I think that the girls should take it one adventure at a time. So the next book will have our friends together again at Eric's estate. There they will meet new people and try to unravel the mystery of the bracelets. Angie's illness will start to make more sense as they dig deeper into their pasts after all history does repeat itself.
Nacrissa will make her presence known too as she launches an attack on the estate. Join them as they discover themselves while trying to unearth the past. Some things are better left buried but sometimes all you need is a bit of time travel ;)
So look out for the next book.
Of past and present: book 2 in the Armilla trilogy.
Until next time

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