FIFTEEN-Rubies & Revelations

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Chapter -- Fifteen | Rubies and Revelations

October 11th, 2014.
Cunningham residence,

"What?!" Beatrice had suddenly turned white as a sheet and Elizabeth had stood up. She couldn't believe that Eric had found them. After all that time she had spent looking for clues she couldn't believe that Mrs. Richards had them from the beginning. But the real question was why.

"It seems you didn't know. Well to state the matter plainly Charlotte and I believe there are three other girls, are currently being held captives under White Oak." Eric had turned around and was now facing the two girls, daring either of them to contradict what he had just said.

"But why?" Elizabeth shook her head. She had been trying to locate her friends for the past six days and here she was learning that they were in some old rich lady's basement.

"For the bracelets of course. You hold more power than you could ever imagine Elizabeth. This is not a game. We must plan our next moves carefully. One wrong step and we could cost your friends their lives."

"How did you find out where they were?" Beatrice asked slowly. She had regained some of her color but still seemed shaken. Elizabeth didn't blame her. She herself felt lost. She needed answers and she needed them now.

"Your cousin is very good at morse code."

"Of course! Grandpa was always trying to teach it to us. She was the only one of us cousins who bothered to learn." Beatrice said shaking some hair out of her face. "It seems it came in handy."

"It did indeed." Eric said, his hands clasped behind his back and a small smile on his face. "I think we should plan the escape carefully."

"One more question before we get to that," Beatrice asked hesitantly, "why are you helping us?"

"I thought you would be grateful for some help."

"Don't get me wrong we are," Beatrice replied looking at Elizabeth from the corner of her eyes. "But that doesn't explain why you would agree to help complete strangers in a break out mission."

"Call me insane if you wish, but I am the only one here who truly understands the situation so if you will let me I would like to help."

"Okay first things first we need to get them out of there. Any ideas?" Elizabeth asked. She had decided that she was going to trust Eric after all this was the only lead they had and it might as well take them to her friends.

"Well I have a plan but it's going to be risky..."


October 11th, 2014.
White Oak Hall,
•Nacrissa Richards•

"Madam tomorrow is the Spero festival, the staff would like to attend."

"When does the festival start?"

"At noon madam."

"And what do you expect me to do while all of you are gone?" Nacrissa looked at the woman across from her with a raised eyebrow. She had been having such a good day but it had been ruined the moment her housekeeper had knocked on her study door asking for a moment of her time.

She had been gracious enough to agree and look where it had gotten her. The entire staff was asking to waste their time away at a festival!

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