chapter 6

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Y/n p.o.v

After I 'escaped' I went to the only place I knew to go... To my old friend Frank's house. I had to escape from this town. I should have left earlier. Actually, I wish I never moved, at all, then I would have never met him and then no one would have to go through this long string of events.

I got on the train as I headed back 'home', well, more like Frank's home.. my second home.

The journey took 4 hours and I still wasn't at his door step, but it was worth it. I called for a cab and gave him his last address. Hopefully he still lives there with his roommates.

I arrived at the house and took 10 deadly steps (a really shitty version of 7 deadly sins lmao I'm dying) towards the door. Whoever answers will except my fate. I knocked three knocks, on the varnished wood, slowly. A few shouts could be heard from inside and then some loud footsteps came to the door. It was...

Gerard's p.o.v

I ran outside the gates at full speed. I don't know what came over me. Well, I do. I have been planning this for as long as I can remember. I can't wait to see the happy and excited look on her face when I show up at her door.

I heard shouting behind be and shots of something being fired. I got a burst of adrenaline and ran off into the trees just as my train was coming...

yeah this is the last chapter I wrote. I made this in 2018 so sorry i know it's really shit lmao

Dear diary, I'm crazy for her. Gerard Way x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now