Chapter 4

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Let me remind you? What was that supposed to mea-

He kissed me. He forced his lips against mine. It was warm, familiar. It was him. As much as I had missed him, this was wrong. As much as I wanted it to be right. It wasn't. I tried to get him off me I used my arms to push his chest but he was much bigger, much stornger than me. He put his arm around my waist and picked me up. My legs dangled in the air. I stopped pushing against him, not wanting to fall. Tears escaped from my eyes. I could feel his smirk against my lips.

He stopped and threw me against the sorry excuse for a bed and climbed over me so I couldn't escape.

"Please stop" I whispered. He ingnored my words and reached under his pillow. He pulled out a sharp object.

"When you leave again, people will know who you belong too. When I get out again I will find what belongs to me." He said smirking, pulling my arm to the side.

I tried to get him to move but I could he was too strong. I led there hopelessly screaming in pain. Please, someone hear me. Please, someone notice I'm gone. He cut into my arm again and again. I could feel the sheets underneath me start to soak, my arm started to go numb and a liquid pouring out my veins. Everything then went black.

Dear diary, I'm crazy for her. Gerard Way x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now